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Question about pig / hog saddle


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It is always drummed in to rifle shooters about using a relaxed hold while holding and firing a weapon, and leaving the barrel harmonics do their thing.

So how can a clamped gun provides this requirement ? Especially when the tripod feet may be on different surfaces so giving different grip / support to the feet.


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I always rest the forend of my rifle, air, 22rf or full bore in the palm of my hand even on top of a bypod rest which I rarely use.  The only exception is a purpose built tripod rest I made for my Boxer air rifle for use in my chair blind but that has a layer of foam in the rest areas so resembles the soft surface of my hand.   I had an American friend miss a fallow buck at about 60yrds when he rested the rifle on a bottom rail of a post and rail fence.... it taught him a lesson, because he never had another chance on that trip.

The only rifle I take a firm grip of is my 375JDJ which if you don't it will come back and bite you.

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I believe the bullet has already departed.  Any interference with barrel harmonic will disturb the trajectory planned.  When I first purchased my PCP air rifle I wondred if it effected that so I did a test and found that it did alter point of aim.  During all of our rifle traing we were told never to rest the rifle on a solid surface, always use our hand as a cushion if no other soft surface was available.    Amazingly it does not appear to effect the use of a bipod.  I always used just one stalking stick when after large quarry, much swifter to get in position and get lined up and follow but I always rested the forend on the thumb and forefinger, not on the stick and it just became second nature.

Many moons ago I put a piece on here about how to use a single stick when kneeling.  Unfortunately the old arthritic legs will not let me get down in that position today, but it was almost like using a high tripod but with better ability to track a moving animal.

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