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Benelli Super Nova cycling issue


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While my Armsan is still in the gun shop waiting parts I have managed to get my hands on a nearly new Nova.  It is as good as brand new, looks like it has only fired a couple of test shots.

Anyway, took it to the clays today and it cycled low brass carts a dream.

Then took it roost shooting and the only carts I had where some 70mm Cheddite Elite 36 grm No 4 lead high brass, a bit over the top but gave them a go.

Every time I fired and tried to pump it it was as good as jammed up, it took a lot of force to pump it making it unusable.  Still managed 4 pigeons though!

I got back to the car and ran some of the low brass clay carts through it and it cycled fine, stuck a Cheddite high brass in and it jams up.

Anyone had similar problems?

I am hoping it is just the Cheddites it dioesn't like but I am surprised it is fussy.

My normal wildfowling loads would be Gamebore 3 inch and 3.5 inch steel shells, does any one with a Nova out there run these and are they OK?

I have read of some new guns needing the chamber polished out a bit (usually cheap Remmingtons) but I thought Benelli was supposed to be a quality gun?

Any suggestions welcome!





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The only problem I’ve had is, if it’s loaded with three 3:1/2 inch carts. Fire the first one and the recoil pushes the two in the mag back and jams the mag follower into the crimp, so the carts in the mag don’t feed. I then have to push a rifle cleaning rod through the hole in the end of the mag to push the follower and carts free. This has only happened when loaded with three 3:1/2 inch carts, not shorter ones.

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Well I took the Benelli out for a test today.  Put 7 gamebore 3 inch steel carts and 1 Winchester 3.5 inch steel cart through and all cycled fine so it must just be the extra high brass cheddites it doesn’t like.

I did some rough and ready patterning and I was impressed with the factory half choke, as good as my kicks hi flyer extra full in the sx3.

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