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BBC R4 Farming programme.


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I suspect that most pw users do not listen to the early morning news on Radio4, in particular the Farming section followed by the bird of the day, the latter tending to the RSPB agenda. 

 This morning the topic was the red grouse with a brief outline of bird and its habitat, the presenter's experience of observing it - without mention of heather burning, peat degradation or moorland management systems and shooting  -  concluded with the statement " the red grouse population is in decline".

Irrespective of annual fluctuations as part of the "normal" grouse population dynamics the closing  statement was pronounced in a dogmatic fashion as irrefutable. I await the future instalment/s which will undoubtably introduce ie drip feed to the audience  the usual topics of climate change/peat loss/heather burning, etc as cover for the anti-fieldsports lobby - ( grouse shooting is the principle target currently ) - to introduce licensing systems and restrictions to traditional moorland management systems. Presumably a full on petition to ban grouse shooting is likely to fail at this time so the protectionist objective is more likely achieved by legislation with restrictive practice methods.

Just another example of the incessant drip-drip-drip of RSPB'n Co agenda through a public service organisation with a self-proclaimed motto of "Impartiality"?


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