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Air fryer Muntjac Haunch


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I've finally got round to trying an air fryer - specifically the Instant Pot Duo Crisp with "Ultimate Lid".  I found it on special offer, and got it mostly because it is supposedly multi-functional.

For my first attempt at a meal I decided to use the Roast function and do a Muntjac haunch. I'm more used to gas ovens, and would normally do this at Gas 7 for 25 mins, and then Gas 5 for a further 20. I decided to go for 204 C (the max) for 25 mins and 170 C for 20, plus resting time.

The weight of the haunch (bone in) was 1200 grams. I made a rub of olive oil, black pepper, oregano & basil, and a splash of maple syrup, and in it went.

I went ahead with the first phase, setting it for the 25 mins, but when it came to the second phase I realised that it wanted to cool down before I could start it at the lower temp. That resulted in quite a pause in the cooking, I tried to help it cool by opening it. I do not know if I should have set it for 45 mins and tried to drop the temp at the right time, has anyone got advice on that?

Anyhow, it looked OK ( apart from a bit more charring to the top than I would have had in a normal oven ) and a meat thermometer read 65 C in the thickest part. I bet there would be less charring without the maple syrup.

With the delays etc, once rested and veg prepped I was utterly starving. It tasted very good, I went back for seconds. :)





Edited by John_R
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No gravy this time, true. Frankly I prefer to butter the potatoes/veg and have something like red currant jelly on the side when trialling ideas. There was practially nothing in the bottom of the pan that might otherwise been scraped into a gravy.

I had some of it cold in soft brown rolls today for lunch, and was pleased with that.

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1 hour ago, John_R said:

No gravy this time, true. Frankly I prefer to butter the potatoes/veg and have something like red currant jelly on the side when trialling ideas. There was practially nothing in the bottom of the pan that might otherwise been scraped into a gravy.

I had some of it cold in soft brown rolls today for lunch, and was pleased with that.

with that you should be having either crab apple jelly or rowan jelly (traditional)

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