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to much to ask?

Tom Robinson

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You can almost bet your life that they won't grant you centrefire on first application Tom unless you have exceptional mitigating circumstances like vast and evidenced experience from abroad etc. And your age may also count against you but not necessarily.


Put in for .22 rimfire and HMR and ask for fox (some Licencing Authorities give fox for HMR and / or LR) and next variation you could go up to centrefire. On the other hand, there are those who say "don't ask, don't get" and there is merit in what they say too.

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Apply for what you want to have.

If you've not been a naughty boy and you've got good reason and somewhere to go I don't think that they can refuse you. What seems to be the latest try on is that they are demanding experience. We have a guy who wants to join our 22 target rifle club because the police have told him to !!! to gain experience. I dont see how joining a target rifle club and coming along for an hour or so once a week shooting a 22 target rifle at paper targets over 25 yards will give him experience of using a centrefire out in the field shooting fox. get in touch with BASC and see what they've got to say about it. Keep us informed.

Ps Dont mention about the rifle club or the feo will suggest that you find a field mentor

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They have to process every single application made that is complete.


You may as well ask for it but get the BASC's advice before any FEO interview on what to say. Also they could advise with the wording on your application, If you remain firm but reasonable then the licensing dept will hopefully coin onto the fact that you can't be taken for a ride.


Beware that if they try to use age or lack of official certification against you; they may try to pressure you to withdraw the application until you are older/acquire a DSC etc. In 98% of situations this will not benefit you; a declination goes as a recorded statistic against them and they are trying to avoid that.



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