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FAO NTTF and LB - And Anyone else.....


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Sorry I have not given an update on young Aero lately, what with Hospital, bad foot and increasing my carbon footprint to BA Gold Card status the training has obviously taken a back seat. That's the bad news.


The good news.......


I have really only been back into serious training for the last 4 weeks, i have seen a huge improvement though. Firstly he is almost walking to heel. This has been a battle with aero becuase as far as heel work goes he becomes as deaf as a post. I reckon a couple of weeks and I will have that cracked.


Last Sunday whilst walking him around the field close by to me a wonderful thing happened. He would (pretty much) only go away from as far as the length of his long lead, wonderful. Better still, when the young doughnut forgot himself, which i may add is becoming less and less it just takes 2 pips and he turns round and come back to me.


I have not really trained casting off, but he does this anyway naturally. His sitting is almost there. He sits at every road junction without being asked. He sits both on the lead when i ask him too. In the field he still occasional coms back to me to sit. We need to work on that a bit more.


I still have doubts about letting him off in the orchard where rabbits are a plenty. Before I do this I thought maybe a couple of sessions in Tony Price's (where we bought him) Rabbit Pen would not go a miss so that i can see how he gets on with bunnies and to give me a chance to enforce the fact that he cannot chase them. What do you think?



What else should I now be doing guys? Aero is now eager to learn, and I think we are on a roll.


I'd like to thank you both for the support and advise in the past and apologies for not keeping in contact more frequently.




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Glad to hear that things are coming on, well done. You are right now at a point to make or break your training. By the sounds of things you have him about 70% of the way trained on what you are working on. If you move ahead now he will always be 70% and you will always have problems. Take the time and make him 100% on the sits, recall, stop whistle, and heeling, then we can move forward and add more.


When you think that his sits to whistle and recall are 100% then book a couple of sessions in the rabbit pen. until then keep working him on long line down in the orchard. When a bunny pops up hit the stop / sit whistle. You know you are getting close when he sits as soon as a rabbit runs and the lead does not tighten.



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Glad to hear that things are coming on, well done. You are right now at a point to make or break your training. By the sounds of things you have him about 70% of the way trained on what you are working on. If you move ahead now he will always be 70% and you will always have problems. Take the time and make him 100% on the sits, recall, stop whistle, and heeling, then we can move forward and add more.


When you think that his sits to whistle and recall are 100% then book a couple of sessions in the rabbit pen. until then keep working him on long line down in the orchard. When a bunny pops up hit the stop / sit whistle. You know you are getting close when he sits as soon as a rabbit runs and the lead does not tighten.




Thanks Dan. in fact I had over looked the stop whistle, so this is something i need to concentrate on. I am assuming... The command, 1 pip, yank the long lead and get him sit/lay down?



So much to remember.

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