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BBC: Bacon ice cream and nugget overload sees misfiring McDonald's AI withdrawn


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McDonalds drops AI

I've been waiting for the never ending Artificial Intelligence (AI) nonsense to hit the buffers of reality - this looks promising.


The IT industry is historically notorious for grabbing an idea, hyping it up so far it can't possible succeed and then being there when it collapses into a heap.   AI is one of those things - marketing didn't want to work with 'Machine Learning' which is using huge sets of data to extrapolate possible results (and is realistically possible today); and instead made an impossibly massive leap into Artificial Intelligence which isn't real and quite possibly is still a long way off.

The IT industry is awash with 'experts' who nail their colours to the mast over a particular topic and assume the rest of us can't see the truth.


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AI in some form and Machine Learning have been around for many, many years and really are essentially the same thing because actual artificial intelligence doesn't exist and  probably never will.

Despite the hype, all AI does is collect data and estimate the outcome for a defined task. It can work brilliantly on small scale stuff like editing and fixing photos on a Pixel phone or helping with grammar and context when typing but don't hold your breath for anything much bigger than driver aids in vehicles.

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