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The Nights Are Now Rapidly Pulling In

marsh man

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On 16/08/2024 at 16:59, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, Are many people still ferreting, ?? a friend has a Carry Box and nets going free

I'm down to two fermits now but still have plenty of nets, locators etc. Got a few bunnies on my own land that I've left alone hoping that maybe, just maybe they might increase but if the last 10+ years are anything to go by the population will just fizzle out for a bit.

Turned quite overcast late afternoon so seemed to get dark especially early tonight.

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6 minutes ago, bluesj said:

I noticed some of the leaves starting to change well out and about today!

Yea the very early signs of Summer drawing to a close are beginning to show , the early mornings are getting a dew on the grass and the evenings are getting darker that much earlier each week , as already said , there is nothing we can do about but we can make the most of it while it last and then we can prepare for what lies ahead . MM 

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On 19/08/2024 at 20:45, marsh man said:

Nice to know he is still above ground and enjoying his beloved countryside , we would often talk about the past and were on the same wave length , very nice friendly sort of chap.

As for his fore coming new hip , my neighbour who is also in her low 80s had a new hip a few weeks ago , she started off walking a few steps at a time with two sticks , then the walks got longer , then she managed on one stick and now although not fully fit she can now walk a reasonable distance with out any sticks , so age isn't a barrier and lets hope he soon have it done and can get back in his woods .

The silly ****** had a tractor accident a few months back too . Clonked himself a gooden . Had an ejector seat job . 
he’s still in his woods daily after the squirrels tho 😂
He tells many story’s of the past but he’s got a lot of happy memories and makes me laugh with them always starting with “ i apologise if I’ve already told you this story” 


sorry for the late reply’s . I rarely come on here now .

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