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Hertfordshire firearms licensing - accountability meeting 20 February

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An Accountability & Performance meeting is scheduled for 10.30am this Thursday 20th February between the PCC and a new Chief Constable, and on the agenda is “an update on the Constabulary’s performance in relation to firearms licensing and plans to reduce the current backlog in applications". 

The meeting is online and details to join are in link below.


Ahead of the meeting the PCC states: “Firearms licensing is on the agenda for the second time for these meetings as I continue to receive correspondence from residents expressing frustration at the timeliness of decision making on applications. This will be an opportunity to get an update and find out what steps are being taken to improve the service".


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I tried to Login for the meeting, as I had pre-registered.

I was very keen to ask the new Chief Constable if he was aware that members of his staff were running a stand at the British Shooting show the previous weekend, and if so, for what purpose? Surely their time that weekend would have been much better served by staying in the office and reducing the massive pile of renewals and grants currently in their in-trays?

The meeting was scheduled to run from 10.30 to 12 noon, as I had pre-registered, but as I had another appointment I couldn't log in until 11.15, but it appeared that the meeting had already finished?

I would hope that a viewing of the meeting can be obtained online?



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On 20/02/2025 at 22:14, Cyd said:

Conor, do you know if there are plans to publish a summary of that meeting?


Possibly, a member of BASC staff dialled into the meeting and took notes. There were a few on stalking directory that also dialled in and some interesting comments made about what was said at this meeting vs the last such meeting as regards backlogs and turnaround times etc; and significant new staffing resources now being brought into the FLD to sort things out.




On 21/02/2025 at 09:54, HantsRob said:

A PCC leading the way in putting their constituents first.

Some of this is from people on this forum reaching out, and is a good news story. Conor, you're directly responsible for some of those people that nagged the PCC - so thankyou.

Thanks, it is a good example of how lots of us contacting our PCC can make a difference. Examples like this will hopefully help motivate/inspire more of this kind of engagement by a few for the benefit of all.

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On 21/02/2025 at 13:11, Catamong said:

I tried to Login for the meeting, as I had pre-registered.

I was very keen to ask the new Chief Constable if he was aware that members of his staff were running a stand at the British Shooting show the previous weekend, and if so, for what purpose? Surely their time that weekend would have been much better served by staying in the office and reducing the massive pile of renewals and grants currently in their in-trays?

The meeting was scheduled to run from 10.30 to 12 noon, as I had pre-registered, but as I had another appointment I couldn't log in until 11.15, but it appeared that the meeting had already finished?

I would hope that a viewing of the meeting can be obtained online?



BASC was at the show and in fairness my understanding is that the FLD presence there and from other forces was welcome and helpful for everyone involved.

I would expect the video of the meeting to be published in due course on the PCC YouTube channel. Will post a link when it appears.

Here is a link to the 2024 meeting when firearms licensing backlogs etc were first challenged by the PCC.




Edited by Conor O'Gorman
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