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VE day


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Yep 80 years since VE day, where has it all gone? I remember it well, I was eight. The huge street party where all the food folk had been hoarding came out I remember getting a good hiding for hiding under the kitchen table with the girl next door and sneaking out to nick bits of food from the tables which were being prepared. I had never seen a cherry. No more hiding under that same huge table when the air raid sirens went off. No more toting a gas mask in a cardboard box to school every day. Also looking forward to seeing my three older brothers again One in the RN did 11 Russian convoys on a Corvette, one on a carrier, also RN and being bombed to bits by the Japanese in the Pacific. My oldest brother doing something in Palestine with the RAF. To his dying day we never found out what. My old dad spent lots of nights "on watch" as a Sargent in the home guard. Most nights he would stagger home the worse for wear and bang into the blast wall the council had built in front of the house, Mum tried white washing it but as there was no  street lights it made little difference. Lastly we were to get our road signs back and perhaps the iron railings round the school.

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Poignant memories.

I have a lovely photo of a VE Day street party complete with my mum, her brothers, including the youngest as baby in my Nan's arms, lots of friends and neighbours all cheering. Mum's eldest brother, always a joker, is captured face partially covered by his hand giving the obvious wrong way round V sign.

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