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moving to france

darren m

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As any one on this site or anyone you know sold up and moved to france ( or similar ) lately.

me and the misses have been talking about it for a while now , but don't really know where to start.

if you've got any first hand experience's of this , please , please let me know i need all the info i can get.

or is there anywhere i can get the information from .

Thanks in advance .

Darren . :lol:

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My only knowlage of such matters are those tv progs. that the missus likes to make me watch to show me what a slacker i am .

After watching folks sell up an move abroad to start a new life , and a new job . I would offer 1 bit of advice ... LEARN TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE FIRST ! .

All those folks on the tele , have little or no knowlage of the language of there chosen country .

Oh aye school-boy French is not acceptable ! Laungage tapes and then some private tuition is a must !



all the best yis yp

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I strongly agree with YPs advice, learn the lingo very well before you go.


A good friend of mine moved to France without learning anything more than "Schoolboy French" , and failed miserably in both business and domestic areas....he's now back in the UK and hates any mention of the word "France".


A good book to read is "Live & Work in France" by Victoria Pybus, published by Vacation Work. You can get it from Amazon.com.


Good luck with your venture,


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Hi darren m. I like the sound of getting out of this country to. But the last choice for me would be France, but i have only spent a couple of weeks there. I quite like the sound of Canada or the USA and Ireland i like to. My mate says i would like Australia and i have a cousin there and he says come out for a month or two and have a ganders, I might take him up on it soon. But i think i might get ****** off with red sand. And what are ya pigeons gona feed on. They have plenty of red foxes thow, and ferral cats. But osr dont do to well there in the winter either. I am like you i need more time to think about it.

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I know someone who went out there a few years ago. They took their business with them and have done well. One drawback is that if you want to do that, it is much more complicated and expensive to set up a limited company ("SGDG" I think its called) than it is in Britain.


Cost of living and housing is much cheaper.


Yes, you need to be a fluent French speaker for it to work, and you need to throw yourself behind making friends. However, If you get into hunting and shooting circles, you will probably find that will not be too hard as they all speak a universal hunting language!

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Ears -- France was or seemed to be the easier choice , i agree , i also like the sound of Canada , Australia even New Zealand , but these country's are so hard to get into , i thought France might just be the easier option and also cheaper , but i will consider any where , where i can buy a property with a few acres of land and i can have my own bit of country side .


Darren .

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There are many pitfalls but Im sure in the end it is worth.

Im in the transport business and have moved many happy people out there.

You need to research which area you want to be in. Good idea is a couple of weeks holiday and just travel around to the areas you fancy.

Good publication is French Property News. Send me PM and i'll post you a couple of recent issues.

My better half working in selling French properties a few years ago.

The language thing is important but should not deter you.

If I had my chance I'd go tomorrow but business commitments dont allow it.

(Anyway, I,m goning to retire to Oz in my time, to join my son & daughter who are out there for 12+ years.)



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