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Tuna fishing in Ireland


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There is obviously potential there and we have looked at the possibilities and spoken to people that have tried it, for the last 5 years.

However, the phrases to remember from the website are, "long frustrating days" and, "a huge amount of patience and perseverance is required".


I believe they are only catching a few fish a year and its a lot of money to pay out, to end up reef fishing, which is what has been happening.


We will continue to got to Clew Bay and chase the Common Skate, they ain,t very "common", but we know they are there. :blink:

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The tuna have been there for years. That is what some local fishermen told me.

Some of them are quite angry that their secret got out. They are afraid that they will soon be fished out by our friends across the waters....

Not many fish are being caught. I only know of one that was lost a few months ago.


It would be a shame to see some potentially superb sport ruined.

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The people responsible for the publicity , are the people that have equipped offshore fishing boats and advertised in the International Angling Magazines for customers.

The boat owners, themselves. :blink:


The species is pelargic, they pass the West coast of Ireland at certain times of the year and are not a "resident" species.


I caught an 83lb blue shark off Clew Bay, Co Mayo about 4 years ago, it was tagged and released

The Skipper, Mary Gavin-Hughes, ( http://www.clewbayangling.com/ ) was notified by the Irish Fishery Board that the shark had been caught in nets 70 miles West of the Azores, 4 months later, it had been released again.


These pelargic fish make incredible journeys around the World, almost constantly.

Fascinating creatures. :D

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Cranfield are u from Cranfield??? if so im from donaghcloney not far from banbridge/lisburn :D i go sea fishing off the west coast basically every other weekend. i go out of the same ports as the tuna fishing boats do, i wouldnt recomend it to any1 basically i was lookin @ prices for 1 particular boat and i think it started @ around £695 per day ??? u have a very slim chance of catching a tuna, not many are caught each yr in comparison to the amount of trips that go out to after them, and the really wick thing is that the tuna has to b released again, i think i wud rather get a nice new air rifle rather than 1 days fishing! well thats my opinion anyway but each to their own! but i have to say the NW coast of ireland is brilliant for sea fishing, lots of tope out of swilly, and big pollock and ling out of most most places, because of the u-boats in ww1 and ww2 (not sure if they wer called u-boats in ww1! lol) there are alot of wrecks of the NW coast of ireland due to all the supply ships from america being sunk and these wrecks are probably some of the best fishing u will get in the uk/eire :blink: ???

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