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Bit dissapointed


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Well I guess it had to happen. First time I have shot the same shoot twice (4th proper round of sporting), up until now it has all been different so the scores from 1 week to the next did not really bother me. Ok so all the targets were totally different, but still does not stop me feeling a little dissheartened by my score. First time I shot it I did a 39 ex 70 and this week I only did a 33 ex 70. I am not sure it was any more difficult than the first time, but the wind was making things a bit more interesting. I was doing okay up until the last 2 or 3 stands and then I just started thinking about everything too much.


One thing that did perc me up, the last stand was empty, so the old man told me to get the gun back out. I finished off the last 4 carts I had in my pocket and nailed 3 out of the 4 birds, where as on the score card I only did 1 out of the 6. Think I was putting too much thought into silly things, and not enough into how to hit the ****** clay!


Oh well, sorry for the somewhat pointless post, just wanted to get it off my chest.

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Well I guess it had to happen. First time I have shot the same shoot twice (4th proper round of sporting), up until now it has all been different so the scores from 1 week to the next did not really bother me. Ok so all the targets were totally different, but still does not stop me feeling a little dissheartened by my score. First time I shot it I did a 39 ex 70 and this week I only did a 33 ex 70. I am not sure it was any more difficult than the first time, but the wind was making things a bit more interesting. I was doing okay up until the last 2 or 3 stands and then I just started thinking about everything too much.


One thing that did perc me up, the last stand was empty, so the old man told me to get the gun back out. I finished off the last 4 carts I had in my pocket and nailed 3 out of the 4 birds, where as on the score card I only did 1 out of the 6. Think I was putting too much thought into silly things, and not enough into how to hit the ****** clay!


Oh well, sorry for the somewhat pointless post, just wanted to get it off my chest.



Could be a multitide of things


Trying to hard thinking about your shot can scrub it


Worrying about things can scrub it too


Just set your mind out to enjoy the day and worry about NOTHING and you may find it increases your shot count


I tend NOT to think about the shot just calling PULL and then swinging in from there (snap shot) and find it works for me.





Also Have you had the gun fitted to you or was it just a bought and get on with it job?


A poorly fitting gun can cause trouble.


Bring your gun to cheek and press your cheek quite firmly to the stock and see if you get roll over? (you will see you can go TOO far over and see the rib going off to the right if right handed causing you to shoot to the right. This can be fixed with a cheek pad making sure when you have good cheek weld you see perfectly straight down the rib.


Also when shooting Sporting you SHOULD be looking straight down the rib keeping it flat! You should only see the bead and no rib trap shooting is entirely different I found this out when my Sporting shooting wasn't getting on well.


As I said before shooting should be enjoyed and not worried over just go out and enjoy your day and the rest comes with time and practise

Edited by Lord Geordie
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You will get many days of dissapointment, all part of learning, could be the way the targets are presented could be weather conditions could even be you, hundreds of reasons but dont get disheartened and some sporting shoots are more difficult than others.

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Thanks for the advice chaps. Thankfully my gunfit is perfect, so cannot use that one as excuse. Oxford Gun company cannot be falted on their gun fitting abilities.


Having thought about it, I am not so dissapointed. I never wanted to take it too seriousley and I absolutely love shooting. The probelm is I come back and know I have a week to wait before I can go again. Coupled with a slight dip in score and the result was a doom and gloom post.


I think what got me today was trying to beat my dad. Until stand 7 of 9 we were neck and neck. Until that point, I had not even thought about scores, just having fun and getting some practice. The moment I thought I was in with a shot, I threw it away.


Anyway, that was today. Role on next week! :o

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