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I had read most of the mags and subscribed to most over the years, they all repeat themselves after a while or sell out to masses of advertising.

I now only subscribe to Sporting Rifle which seems to be the best of a bad bunch, not afraid to tell it how it is, or show pictures of dead stuff

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Does anybody else think that 'Sporting Rifle' is a hideously bad publication?


I picked up the latest copy today, as I wanted to read the review of the Sauer 202. The Sauer review isn't a review, it's just gibberish about the Charlie Jacoby's Spaniel and his land - there's no actual analysis about the rifle, or how it measures up to its rivals. The whole magazine is really amateur, and really lacking in actual detail and judgement.


Shooting Times has the best narrative and news, but there doesn't seem to be a magazine that doesn't use Pete Moore or Bruce Potts for rifle-related articles and tests.

Edited by Baldrick
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I've had them all over the years. Lost faith in the Shooting Times, every second page was turning to adverts, & who ever advertised, there prices were top notch. Anyone interested, I've over 200, willing to swap/sell.


If your into Guns, which I think we are, & like reading about them in detail, get Guns & Ammo mag. Yes I know it's American, but it knocks spots off any Mag we have. Some of the stuff, especially ammo, we'll never get over here, but the info will keep you up to speed.


Fishing Mags, I used to get FlyFishing & Flytying, no complaints.


Another one, The Countryman's Weekly,



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Shooting Times, Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter.


I agree with the comments about repeats and adverts but I suppose the advertising is a necessary evil to keep the printing costs down.


Some of the Gundog training articles are very good for a novice trainer.



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