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left eye


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I find this is quite common. I coach on the weekends and i see it every time. People hold the gun in their right arm yet shut their right eye and bend their head right over the stock to look down the rib with their left eye. It may seem weird to hold the gun left handed, but it may be worth a go. Some people use a piece of card to cover their left eye and shoot like that, but you should shoot how your eye feels natural. There's one chap who's made his son wear an eye patch over his left eye thinking it's a bad habbit, but you can only tell them so many times.



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I find this is quite common. I coach on the weekends and i see it every time. People hold the gun in their right arm yet shut their right eye and bend their head right over the stock to look down the rib with their left eye. It may seem weird to hold the gun left handed, but it may be worth a go. Some people use a piece of card to cover their left eye and shoot like that, but you should shoot how your eye feels natural. There's one chap who's made his son wear an eye patch over his left eye thinking it's a bad habbit, but you can only tell them so many times.



thanks gibby i will try and do some experimenting

i normally shoot with both eyes open or look down the berrel with my right eye

as im new to this i suppose it will be trial and error

im quite a good shot for a novice but was just wondering if the clays i miss could be down to having left eye dom

ill also try left handed , but even thinking about it seems strange

what ever hapens anyway i love being down the range missin as many as i hit lol


also notice you have a beretta 682 e

i was holdin one last week it felt like a nice gun

do youthink it would be a good first gun for me

the guy in the shop seemed to think it fitted me well

but you never know if its just the type of gun they want to sell ya

would be nice to know someones unbiased opinion on a first gun


the guy in the shop did do the eye test with me

but i think i made a mistake whilst doin it

he had me down as right eye dom

but on doing the test properley a fair few times its deff my left eye

many thanks again m8 :blink:

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i just worked out im left eye dom but im a right handed

how do i over come this

do i just keep left eye closed when shooting

cant imagine holding a gun left handed :lol:?

anyone have similar problem ?? :lol:



as Gibby has said, its very common, dont dispell the use of your left, side try it, i shot with a guy called Don Sanderlin, here in Canada, he was 8x Canadian skeet champ, right handed left eye dom, his coach nailed him after his first win and made him swap, the guy is somewhere in the region of 75yrs young now and he still knocks em down well :blink: change is a good thing, plus im a biased lefty as well :blink: ,,,who can also shoots righty :blink:



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I am the same as you. I use one of the many fibre optic bead products out there. I have used it since I got back into shooting, but I shoot better now than I did when I was younger with my eye closed or wearing an eye patch. Honestly though, I think the best thing is good gun fit. I find that with my gun now it points were I look, I shoot with the force more than anything else..... I basically centre where I want to shoot in my vision and pull the trigger.


Try shooting off your left shoulder, try using the force and also try an optic bead (many placed have ones they loan out for trial purposes). Do a search for eye dominence on this site, there is plenty written about it.

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thanks you guys ill have to do some experimenting and try a few things out

i have seen these bead things and will look into that too

not far off buying my first gun so ill take all the info into account


ill defo trawl the forum for any info on the subject

this site gets some getting used to aswell lol

but i know ill find all the answer to any future problems i come across here

many thanks again

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I have similar problems.

I have no dominance in any eye.


My way of dealing with it is to keep both eyes open until

the target is aquired and then I just close my left

eye abit. Since I started doing it my shooting has improved

ten fold.



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i just worked out im left eye dom but im a right handed

how do i over come this

do i just keep left eye closed when shooting

cant imagine holding a gun left handed :good:?

anyone have similar problem ?? :rolleyes:


its quite easy either close your left eye or keep blinking it whilst tracking the bird or clay

practice makes perfect

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