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Well chaps, I finally pulled the plug on my great SJ 410 project.

One of those unbeatable tasks, the more I welded, the more holes I found. The more tools I bought, the more tools I needed to use them.. :blink:

Im a bit down about this as it was going to be a fantastic shooting wagon, but I just dont have the time or money to get it done. So the interesting part will be cutting it up completley with a plasma cutter and sticking it in the metal bin. :blink: :lol: :lol:

On the plus side, I may manage to sell all the parts and make some beer money.. so im working on photos of the engine, and all the bits and peices.

If anyone needs anything give us a shout. Il be in the corner sulking in failiure.. :blink:


Should have known from the start that I wont have the time to do it. Atleast now I can buy a propper car for road use rather then making do with a 1l convertable, but it will be sad to see all those hours of work go to the scrap. :lol:

I did learn a lot of welding and cutting though, has been a good experiance.

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I would'nt cut it up for scrap mate, I recon you'll get decent money for it on evilbay, if you describe it accurately someone may want it for an off road shooting shack. :blink:

I'm a self employed mechanic and it's an all too familiar story, only last week I had a Vitara in for service, the customer had bought it 'cheap' (£650) for his wife, MOT till June, I put it on the lift and as with all fresh vehicles I had a quick look underneath before I start work, it was so badly corroded I could not believe what I was seeing. He's now trying to get his money back.

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Ahh I deiced not to use evil bay anymre. Its a complete ripoff. I cant afford to put more money into this, so il go for local sales on the bits and peices, to be honest, the vehicle is compeltley stripped, and would take a good amount of work to put together, as I took all the parts off for cleaning, spraying etc :blink: ah well... lesson learned.

Got most of it up for sale now, but I doubt I will ever make back what I put into it. :blink:

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if you break the engine down I'd probably be after the carb if its ok, our shooting one is pretty rusty but we'll just use it till it falls apart, the tank was rusted and running on rusty water hasn't helped. We've got it running with a spare tank but can't get it to idle so far

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For now id like to keep the carby and engine together, but come a few days when nothing sells, im sure we can arrange something :blink:

Fuel tank etc is all available if thats any help.



Also, make sure you put a new fuel filter on it, that may help, as they can restrict propper fuel flow if they become dirty.

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Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it :blink:


I ran up the costs of this project, and all the kit I have to sell back to make something off it. It comes to £1000 :blink: and thats halfway through. No thanks, getting to much for me.


Al4x, you can have the engine, carb, and fuel tank for £100 if you can pick it up :blink:

Id really prefer selling to people from the forums who will put it to good use, as I know a lot of people have small shooting wagons.

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The engine ran very well and started first time, but it was a little smokey... however that was on 5-6 year old fuel! :blink:

If the worst comes to the worst it all goes into the metal bin down the road from us. So il do my best to flog everything. Be sad to see it wasted :blink:

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