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marking terrier for ferreting


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Take it ferreting every time you go, they soon get the idea.

But it will be up to you to spot the mark, some dogs dig at the mouth of the hole, some just look at the warren every dog is different. My 13-year-old terrier is so easy to read, if there is a rabbit at home he goes and sits on top of the warren and looks at me as if to say get the nets out boss. Whereas the GWP that I just lost would just stand and look down the holes and if the rabbit was close you would sometimes have to drag him away.






One thing you do not want to do is make the dog "mark" as they tend to get the idea that they must mark every set of holes. (False marking.) A good way to start, is in the off season watch a rabbit go to ground then calmly show the dog the warren (smaller the warren the better at this stage) and let him have a good sniff at the warren down wind side, if he shows interest then CALMLY praise him. Then take him to an unoccupied warren and if he walks away CALMLY praise him. It does not pay to get a dog wound up around a ferreting situation; a dog that whines, barks or even tries to dig into the warren is a liability when ferreting.

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hi guys i was just wondering how you train a terrier to become a good marking dog.



Russ get a copy of FOX CONTROL by SEAN FRAIN it contains masses of info on terriers, breeding working etc.


Im reading it at the moment, its also bang up to date on the new laws concerning digging etc.


??? D2D

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I have found that marking is a function that dogs pick up instinctively through experience....... I know my lurchers did .. some mark the fresh scent, of a scut in a hole...some will listen and hear the movements underground.


I wouldnt worry to much about teaching the dog to mark..................... just show it plenty of work and warrens....... and age and experience will do the rest :good:

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