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Looking for a place to shoot pigeon in central scotland


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Me and my dad are beginers and are looking for somewhere to shoot pigeons and rabbits in centrel scotland.


me and my dad are from falkirk and are members of the local clay pigeon club and go as much as possablie been on a few shoots a guests but havent got a shot of our own le of shoots before but are really keen on doing the real pigeons.


ifs there anybody out there that wouldnt mind having us out with you just to see what its all about. Everybody has to start some how. Just need someone to give us a chance.


many thanks



Edited by NewbieShotgunowner
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why is people viewing but not replying.


if you could please just give me some helpful hints on how to go about this properly it would mean alot


many thanks


There were probably no replies because you were really in the wrong section (but I have moved you) and secondly you have to have been around the Forum for a while before there is much chance of getting an invite shooting.


The best way to get vermin shooting permission is to map out an area from your home base that you are prepared to travel.

Then knock on all the Farmers doors in that area and ask if you can shoot their vermin.

There are a few threads pinned at the top of this section with some specific advice.


The "chicken or egg" question, is do you get shooting permission before you buy decoys, nets etc., or do you get the permission first.

I would suggest try to get some permissions first, before you spend too much money.


Any specific questions you have about decoying equipment, tactics, decoy layouts etc., just post in "Tips and Tricks", or "Pigeon Shooting Equipment". :blush:

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hello buddy,

i think the best thing you can do is join a wildfowling and pigeon club , this is what i have and now i have over 15 farms and 2 large country estates to shoot on and because of this i get invited to go beating and get the odd beaters day shooting pheasants and partridge .

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I would suggest that you contact your local Police HQ, ask for the telephone numbers of any Wildfowling Clubs or Clay shooting clubs in your area. Join one of these and work it from there, I would also suggest that you join the BASC, if you have not already, the insurance works wonders when trying to negotiate shooting with farmers or land-owners..


BASC Insurance;


£10 million Legal Liability Cover ( for all shooting categories )


£10 million Employer Liability Cover ( for all shooting categories )


£10 million Product Liability cover ( for all shooting categories )


Best of luck.

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