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teenagers health issues


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my 19 teen year old son wont eat proper food lives on mcdonalds chips crisps red bull. plays on xbox till he cant see any more, any way he has permanent headaches and eats paracetamols like sweets. wont go to the doc wont talk about it, goes off on one when i try to tell him he`s killing himself

any other parents got this issue and what can i do to swing him round, he is all loved up at the moment, so dont see him much in between my shifts. :good:

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I use to be a really fussy kid, only ate sausages and chips for most of life and drank Ribena by the gallon. I also use to suffer from pretty bad headaches, and this turned out to be sight realted. On of my eyes was quite lazy, although not Cod Eye lazy, just not as strong as the other. The eye doc gave me excercises to do that really helped.


I would say that your sons headaches are either going to be sight related due to excessive game playing, or due to what he eats. Is there anything he might enjoy that is a bit more healthy? Could you take him shooting? Go Karting, motor x? Anything that might grab his interest, allow you to bond and give you a chance to talk? If he is not interested, try not to force the issue, ask if there is anything he would like to try.


I am not a parent, and am sadly a lot further out my teens than I would like to think about, but just trying to offer you some ideas and adivce. Best of luck with it.


Adam (27, but can still just about remember being a teen)

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well you could try chopping the plug off the xbox that will get him away from the tv i threatend to chopp plug of hair straighteners as daughter was always leaving them switched on a real fire hazzard and now since i threatened to chop plug off them she now unplugs them

a harsh quick fix but very effective

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dear fleabag,

i have two boys not 19 let. one 14 and the other 10.

so at some stage i expect i will go though the same worries as you are now .

am no expert , but i think most kids go though this stage .

i know that i did .

my mum and dad even called me the lodger as the only time they saw me was when i walk in the door

or out again to see my mates .

you say he has a girlfriend .

you might be surpise she might just bring him out of this stage of his life .

if you have a love intest in your life you do try to look after youself a bit better e.g washing ,new clothes, going out more, and watching what you eat,

am sure it just a stage of he life were he just got himself in a bit of a rut . my god we have all done that .

it is a worry .and you only want whats best for your kids . try not to beat yourself up about it to much .

you are a good dad .

and one day he will know this . i did

i can tell you the exact date it hit me .that both my mum and dad knew what was best for me after all .

thursday sept 23rd at 6.30 pm 1993

the moment my first child entered the world

take care and try not to worry to much teenagers wil be teenagers .


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its no wonder he has headaches hes wired out on red bull Caffeine OD and is prob playing a stressful game of say COD online thats bound to get ya blood pressure up i play online and have found if i play to long i get a headache and dry eyes , so i regulate the time i play and i drink loads of water as i get stressed i get hotter and find water helps Why do play i enjoy the competition and buddys are on there we have a chat and play

is it bad for me !!! Prob but its fun ....

get wired on red bull and stressed out you soon will have a headache !!!

Edited by jayward
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Sounds like most teenagers, i use to be the same sitten on xboz till all hours of the night and just eaten junk,use to get all kinds of grief for me mum which you never listen to because your never wrong and we no best, but you do grow out of it. i did when got a job and just couldnt be botherd to play xbox all night as was to tired.


To swing him round just try doing stuff he enjoys take him to local footie game, bit shooting, go down pub.

Hope all comes good for you both



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There is an old addage that you have to be cruel to be kind, I think this fits here.


To be honest I think the no Xbox till you get yourself checked out son sentence needs to come into play, take the power lead.


Hit him with the harsh reality of what all of that paracetamol is going to do to his stomach, and liver.


I am banking the eye strain story to be the cause of the headaches, especially when combined with staring at a screen for hours!


Have a look at this for the effects of paracetamol toxicity, it really is nasty stuff:



Edited by BSA Shaun
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