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magnet stopped


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set up sat mornin deeks out magnet up connect battery nothing just to find out the motor has given up it is locked solid, granted this magnet has seen a fair bit of use it is one of the expensive pinewood ones @ about £220 squid. It is only about 15 month old but i was thinking afterwards and havin looked at it there is no way to get to grease the motor this surley is a design fault. Any thoughts?:rolleyes:

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I brought a pinewood rotary it's been nothing but trouble from day 1!!

Base came loose, top block with arms came off,, rivet thread that adjust arm height dropped out and more......

phoned pinewood and because i had fixed the first problem my self they weren't interested (said the warranty was Nil and void now)

Some after sale service NOT :birthday:

Told them if they reckoned their gear was that good give me my money back and sell it to some other poor sod!

No they wouldn't do that, keep sending it back when it goes wrong and they'ud fix it was their answer!!

Great i said £8.00 a time to post it it would cost a fortune at this rate and pinewood would have had it longer than me!!!

Obviously they have no FAITH in their stuff! once it's sold it's your problem now not ours attitude ;) :blink: :mad:


Wont buy jack **** from them ever again

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