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Dan is catching up


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Went out tonight with the .17hmr & the .222, i was using the HMR, while Dan was using the .222.


Arriving at the farm at approx 7pm, it was still light (well lightish :oops: ) so we got everything ready, and i have managed to get some horse hoof clippings and brewing my own mix :hmm: and it really STINKS, so bad that when i put it in a smaller bottle i was nearly sick -_- -_- , the plan being to put some of this smelly stuff on a old sock(it was a clean sock before) :lol:

Walking down the farm drive to our first field, i had a quick scan up the lane and ****** me there was a fox stood on the road looking at us, and then it was gone(the quickest we have ever spotted one) not sure why as the wind was right :( :( scannig the field we didn't spot anything apart from a few rabbits.)

I got out the old sock and got a ground stake in the form of a small branch, tied the sock to it to stop the foxes making of with it, then pourd this smelly stuff on the sock, and we were off, hoping to see something when we came back in an hour or so.


Walking round a few fields, we managed a few bunnies, should of had more, but that's the way it go's.


After seeing the video with Robert Bucknell, i took my array of calls with me, and stood for a while having a good call, but failed to call anything in at all, so we were heading back towards the farm. The next field was the one with the dead sheep in it, but after having a scan we didn't see anything, then i swung the lamp back to our right and there on the edge of the wood was a fox, but we were on the wrong side of the gate :good: so i took the rifle off Dan and he climbed over then passed him the rifle's and climbed over (the rilfes were pointing in a SAFE direction at all times). Back on with the lamp and the fox didn't have a care in the world, not bothered by the lamp at all, i gave Dan the bi-pod and he was getting ready, lying down he was ready for the shot. I asked if he was ready, but no reply, looking back at the fox it was moving, and presented a lovely broadside chance, it stopped and i was waiting for rifle report, but nothing. Dan was trying to get comy with the fox on the move he had to move the rifle, and then the fox was gone....I asked Dan how come he didn't take the shot and he then explained he had to try and get sorted with the bi-pod, as it was too high. I was not a happy chappy as when the fox stopped i would of been ready and taken the shot, the fox had slipped off down into the wood, so i got out my raspy call, and tried it.

Then about 40 yards down into the wood i spotted a set of eye's, looking at us from inside the wood, Dan was onto it and ready for the shot, he confirmed it was a Fox, and then squeezed off his shot "Thwump", the fox slummped as the bullet done it's job :blush: Range was 171 yards


Lucky for Dan the bullet didn't hit the new fence :lol:










Not many out and about tonight :hmm: , but i got all next week :lol::P:P:blush::blush::blush:


Dan is now on 7 foxes, while i'm on 8, so it looks as if Dan may be the lamper in future ;)

Edited by kip270
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He got there in the end :D good shot too :good:


Was there no interest in the horse hoof lure?





Yeah how did the horse hoof bait go, any prints or spoor near it??


Not a sign of anything, i thought we would of spotted something. I will be off out up the farm one afternoon to bait some good spots, for when we go lamping :D


Well done Kip , Dan :good:


Who,s turn next time with the 222 :D


Just may have to take the .270 as Dan hasn't done any range work with that, and i can't take the .222 & .270 as i only have the one sound mod :good::lol::lol:

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