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skb 557

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i just replyed to a post and tried to put at the end of my reply sorry to be the bringer of a bum - mer but all one word and im sorry but ****** is not rude crude or offencive is it i mean i know we live in a police state were we get told what to eat how to eat ,how to have sex and so on but bum.mer come on this should not be censored.. I read racest jokes on here which i find emoreral and wrong and they dont get censored i once said in court that the fine i recived was a bm-mer and they found it quite funny but if i swore i would have been given another fine but any way does any one know if bottomer is classed as an offenceive swear word?:blink:??? ive edit this as its done it again the stars represant the bottomer word

Edited by skb 557
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We have an automated censor and if that is part of the dictionary of words that is automatically censored then so be it, the admin team cannot censor every post, unless you want the job ?? :blink:


If you find anything that you think is outwith the forum rules remember to use the report function, this is below each post on the left hand side and is like this - ! REPORT



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i just replyed to a post and tried to put at the end of my reply sorry to be the bringer of a bum - mer but all one word and im sorry but ****** is not rude crude or offencive is it i mean i know we live in a police state were we get told what to eat how to eat ,how to have sex and so on but bum.mer come on this should not be censored.. I read racest jokes on here which i find emoreral and wrong and they dont get censored i once said in court that the fine i recived was a bm-mer and they found it quite funny but if i swore i would have been given another fine but any way does any one know if bottomer is classed as an offenceive swear word?:angry:??? ive edit this as its done it again the stars represant the bottomer word



Could you show me where? or alternatively PM a moderator about this.

In all the months I have been here, I have not seen anything racially offensive here, if there was, it had been cleared up by the moderating team :blink:



The word 'bum mer' may be seen as offensive to gay people is the only reason I can see. Deal with it, find another word :blink:

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It should be pointed out that trying to "beat" the auto censor by disguising unacceptable words, is also against the House Rules.

This is called "mock bad language", so typing "****", "b u m m e r", is unacceptable.


This post by Teal the Site Owner is pinned at the top of this section and spells it out clearly.


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It should be pointed out that trying to "beat" the auto censor by disguising unacceptable words, is also against the House Rules.

This is called "mock bad language", so typing "****", "b u m m e r", is unacceptable.


This post by Teal the Site Owner is pinned at the top of this section and spells it out clearly.


sORRY I WONT DO IT AGAIN a bit silly of me i know i just thought it was a light harted phrase and i didt mean to upset any homosexuals im pro gay as my dog is a lesbian and active , which im comfortuble with....


can i please point out i wasnt tryin to beat the auto censor just wanted to get me point across as if i had used stars it would have been inturpreted as a lot worse than it is.............



Again sorry

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He didnt mean to say ****** as in a homosexual.


He means ****** as in the expression that something is bad and makes you feel down, its the context its taken in.


Eg. "My dad just died." "What a ******:stupid:" Although if u sed that about sum 1s dead dad they may be really really offended.


Seems a good job its censored when you look at it like that hahaa

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