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Sam - I did say I had went on a bit :o :lol::lol:


I am not a great friend of the press because I see it for what it is!


I have a lot of faith in the law of this land but sometimes I cringe when I see the postulating efforts of our Politicians and how they try to change the law when they are only tinkering to get votes.


However, rant over and a healthy dose of :good::good::good: for me.


Pushkin :good:

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Sam - I did say I had went on a bit :o :lol::lol:


I am not a great friend of the press because I see it for what it is!


I have a lot of faith in the law of this land but sometimes I cringe when I see the postulating efforts of our Politicians and how they try to change the law when they are only tinkering to get votes.


However, rant over and a healthy dose of :good::good::good: for me.


Pushkin :good:

I was going to say that you summed it up in a nutshell, but that would have been one large nut! I agree with all of that you have said re the press, how many of us have witnessed an accident, incident, whatever, and then read about it, wondering if that was the same one that we saw? One incident that springs to my mind, that will be remembered by all of the old farts like me on here, and brought it home very early in life that the press are playing games with us, was the so-called fights between mods and rockers in the 60's, (yes, I know, I said that I was an old ****). I was at Clacton, as probably were some of you, on the first bank holiday that the "numerous fights, breaking into tribal warfare, resulting in hundreds wounded" and resulting in "police resources being overstretched, all leave cancelled to control the rioting mobs" yeah, right. I was there the whole week-end, I witnessed one fight, and that was a result of a couple of lads being paid by the press to "give us a few pictures". These were the pictures that the world saw. How do I know? I was one of those that took the money, a fiver, if I remember rightly, 2 weeks wages for the apprentice that I was at the time. Oddly enough, after the first bank holiday, there were several fights at following events, a trend created by the press? Off to try and remember where I left me pipe and slippers now, that should take the rest of the day.

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It will be a very sad day indeed when the general public feel forced to take things into their own hands, purely out of frustration and fear.


Vigilante groups, made up from respectable members of the community, fathers, sons, even grandfathers, purely seeking to protect their civil liberties.


Just being able to walk our neibourhoods without fear of being abused or attacked, is something fast disappearing.


Many of our elderly, have felt uncomfortable for several years, now it is starting to affect the broader populace.


Not an ideal scenario I know, but the longer unsocial behaviour is allowed to go unchecked, the nearer we could be getting to taking the law into our own hands.


Law and order by anarchy? :o




Here is exactly why we need a proper legal system, its a lack of knowledge and listening to rumours that otherwise will kill innocent people. This guy may have been innocent he may not but he idn't get a fair trial.



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It will be a very sad day indeed when the general public feel forced to take things into their own hands, purely out of frustration and fear.

Vigilante groups, made up from respectable members of the community, fathers, sons, even grandfathers, purely seeking to protect their civil liberties.

Just being able to walk our neibourhoods without fear of being abused or attacked, is something fast disappearing.

Many of our elderly, have felt uncomfortable for several years, now it is starting to affect the broader populace.

Not an ideal scenario I know, but the longer unsocial behaviour is allowed to go unchecked, the nearer we could be getting to taking the law into our own hands.


Law and order by anarchy? :o


Here is exactly why we need a proper legal system, its a lack of knowledge and listening to rumours that otherwise will kill innocent people. This guy may have been innocent he may not but he idn't get a fair trial.



I take your point, but we have also hanged innocent people, we have jailed innocent people, and there are obviously innocent people in jail now, these were as a result of "a proper legal system". In your opinion, would a man who could afford a top barrister get a more fair trial than someone who had a state appointed lawyer to defend him/her? In both cases the trials may be fair, but I am sure that the verdict would be different in most instances. Sad, but it seems to be the way of the world.

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top barristers have been known not to get people off as well. If the evidence is there and its done by the book then people don't get away with proper offences. Obviously motoring ones are a bit different. I'm sure there are guilty people in Jail but the system is one of the best arround and hanging is slightly out dated in out current Justice system

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I know plenty of people without top legal help that have had the same, however he's got to be more careful with that than a 2 week ban as another 6 points in 3 years will mean a mandatory 6 month ban.

Not at all, I know 2 people who have had 12 points in three years and kept their licence, they both had top defence lawyers though! Point Proven I think? :o


"If the evidence is there and its done by the book then people don't get away with proper offences."


Yeah, right, in your dreams. How do you define a "proper offence"?

Edited by bob300w
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as I said I excluded motoring ones, Murder rape assault burgalry etc with the correct evidence you don't get off.


As for the people getting off with 12 points they were very lucky and it must have been prooved them loosing their licenses would have caused hardship for others.

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A lot of things have changed over the last 30 or 40 years, some for the better

some for the worse. The police, police the people of this country and it is the

people who do the good or the bad things. Attitudes have changed and in my

oppinion they have changed for the worse. There is no respect shown to anyone

now, If you watch people in shopping centres, most are ignorant of the others

around them. People let doors close on others and they push past people to get

to where they want to go. Its not just the young it is most people most of the time.

I like to think i'm not rude to others but other people may think that I am.


An old lady who I know lives in an old peoples bungalow a short walk from the club

she drinks in. When it comes time to go home she is walked home by a regular

because she is frieghtened of the youths who hang around on one of the street

corners between her house and the club.

I have often walked past the same youths and they are simply youths hanging

around the streets bored.

As far as I know they have never ever caused any trouble but as a group of loud,

arrogant teenagers who think everything is funny, even if that frightens others you

can understand why the old lady is scared.


The problems that we are dealing with as a soceity have not just mateialised of the

last 5 years. We are where we are because of attitudes that have been changing

since the second world war.


I think the police are great. People who moan because you get tickets , then don't speed

or park illigaly. The police for the most part do an excelent job under the cercumstances.

The same as normal people have bad days, police offices have bad days.

As for police officers being pricks because they are arsy with you when they pull you over

perhaps they are arsy because you are the 4th, 5th 9th or 10th idiot to have broken the rules

that day.



Edited by taz24
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I got nicked for speeding in Dunstable Beds. No complaints with that, but!

The ticket office told me, that I could not take the ‘Driver awareness’ program, instead of the fine and 3 points, as that particular force were not in the scheme.


Many forces operate this ‘Safety awareness’ scheme to give motorists a better understanding of ‘Safe driving’, but the Beds force did not.


My argument was not that I was innocent, it was that I would obviously benefit from the scheme, but to no avail!


Could my traffic offence, (which was an SP30, and an infringement of a ‘National’ speed limit), not be dealt with on a National level, and be transferred to a force, which does operate the said scheme? No was the answer!


If I were to be convicted of a crime, committed in Bedfordshire, would then I be jailed in Bedfordshire? The obvious answer was No!


So why then, is it not possible to take the scheme, which after all, is designed to make me a safer driver, when it was a Nationally advertised campaign to promote safety on our roads? Don’t pay the fine then, and take it up with the courts, I was told!


That did give me the hump!



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A lot of things have changed over the last 30 or 40 years, some for the better

some for the worse. The police, police the people of this country and it is the

people who do the good or the bad things. Attitudes have changed and in my

oppinion they have changed for the worse. There is no respect shown to anyone

now, If you watch people in shopping centres, most are ignorant of the others

around them. People let doors close on others and they push past people to get

to where they want to go. Its not just the young it is most people most of the time.

I like to think i'm not rude to others but other people may think that I am.


An old lady who I know lives in an old peoples bungalow a short walk from the club

she drinks in. When it comes time to go home she is walked home by a regular

because she is frieghtened of the youths who hang around on one of the street

corners between her house and the club.

I have often walked past the same youths and they are simply youths hanging

around the streets bored.

As far as I know they have never ever caused any trouble but as a group of loud,

arrogant teenagers who think everything is funny, even if that frightens others you

can understand why the old lady is scared.


The problems that we are dealing with as a soceity have not just mateialised of the

last 5 years. We are where we are because of attitudes that have been changing

since the second world war.


I think the police are great. People who moan because you get tickets , then don't speed

or park illigaly. The police for the most part do an excelent job under the cercumstances.

The same as normal people have bad days, police offices have bad days.

As for police officers being pricks because they are arsy with you when they pull you over

perhaps they are arsy because you are the 4th, 5th 9th or 10th idiot to have broken the rules

that day.



:o I just hope that you realise you are going to ruin this thread by putting sensible posts like that up? :lol:

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"As for the people getting off with 12 points they were very lucky and it must have been prooved them loosing their licenses would have caused hardship for others"


:o So it was luck, not the fact that they had top defence lawyers then, I see. :lol:




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Bob, How the hell did you know that??? :lol::lol:


I would ask for a refund Ron! :good:


Guess what Bob and Lou, I have just been told that I have been chucked off the Scargill charm course, They said I am too Polite!!1 :good::good:

:good: They must have you confused with someone else, and don't think that I have not noticed that you started this thread!

I hear that Ian Paisley is running a course if you really want to better yourself? :o

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"As for the people getting off with 12 points they were very lucky and it must have been prooved them loosing their licenses would have caused hardship for others"


:o So it was luck, not the fact that they had top defence lawyers then, I see. :lol:



it is completely luck, its an offence that goes up before magistrates more and more now if you go in trying every loophole you're far more likely to get the harsher penalty.

I run a courier company so we have drivers done very regularly hence I said luck, it can very much depend on the drivers attitude in court and also on how the magistrate feels on the day. Personally not many prople use "top" defence lawyers in the magistrates court unless you have money to burn. I've had drivers get off totting up on 17 points but also some that 12 and they are gone a lot is luck

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I see the thread is now metaphorsed itself into speeding fines!!However this is the Gods truth the postman has delivered me a £60.00 fine for being lazered last Sunday doing 36MPH!, Whats got me mad is I followed a old bloke and his wife into and through a small town all the way through he kept to a steady25mph which was annoying I could not overtake untill leaving the town and at the first opnortunity I overtook him!Yep youved guesed it as soon as I did so I noticed the camera van about 200 yards up the road, bingo he got me. OK I was speeding 36 in a 30!! I would rather give the dosh to a charity instead of another stealth tax. :/

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