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another "beatles" themed post (sorry)

the remains of a deer have been found on the memorial site to linda "wings" McCartney. the LACS, have said that it has been targeted before by pro-shooting orgs. is this how low the pro-shoot gang will go, or is this a cack handed atempt by the antis to try and push a bad image on us? :o

you decide.

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another "beatles" themed post (sorry)

the remains of a deer have been found on the memorial site to linda "wings" McCartney. the LACS, have said that it has been targeted before by pro-shooting orgs. is this how low the pro-shoot gang will go, or is this a cack handed atempt by the antis to try and push a bad image on us? :o

you decide.

Unless I am missing something here, I really do not see the point of your post for the following reasons;

1/ There are probably the remains of deer in just about every piece of woodland/open land in the country.

2/ Why would pro shooting people put deer remains here? What possible pro shooting statement could this make?

3/ Are you not one of the "pro shoot gang"? if you are not, why are you on this site?

4/How is this "pushing a bad image"? whatever that means?

5/When were you last accused of being a troll?

Edited by bob300w
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another "beatles" themed post (sorry)

the remains of a deer have been found on the memorial site to linda "wings" McCartney. the LACS, have said that it has been targeted before by pro-shooting orgs. is this how low the pro-shoot gang will go, or is this a cack handed atempt by the antis to try and push a bad image on us? :o

you decide.

Unless I am missing something here, I really do not see the point of your post for the following reasons;

1/ There are probably the remains of deer in just about every piece of woodland/open land in the country.

2/ Why would pro shooting people put deer remains here? What possible pro shooting statement could this make?

3/ Are you not one of the "pro shoot gang"? if you are not, why are you on this site?

4/How is this "pushing a bad image"? whatever that means?

5/When were you last accused of being a troll?




at the risk of going off thread, do you say this to all posters new to the sport, of do you have bad manners in general?


my post is in GENERAL chat, so i take it that this is the right area to post this sort of thing.

why ask me your list of question? surley you can answer them yourself, right..

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it was legs and guts and head which to me so like the bits left after preparing the carcass. Some pro hunters have always wound up antis whether it's dead foxes on their doorsteps or this. Here is the story on the BBC, obviously there is no evidence one way or the other.



Certainly looks like the press making the story "interesting", and as you say someone has probably dumped the remains in a ditch after preparing the deer, not even on the LACS estate, where they have been found. Not even a story is it?


From the press report;

"The head, legs and intestines were found last month on a road adjacent to Sir Paul's estate near Bampton, on the Somerset-Devon border."


A "road adjacent" could be 5 miles away, and knowing the press and their "facts", probably 20 miles, but either way, not actually on the estate. But deers remains found in a ditch, in the middle of nowhere, does not have the same paper-selling ring to it does it?

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Lets look at it again......


The mutilated remains of a deer were dumped near a woodland shrine devoted to Sir Paul's McCartney's late wife Linda, police have confirmed.


The head, legs and intestines were found last month on a road adjacent to Sir Paul's estate


:o NEAR.......ADJACENT, I`m near to the Highlands, well 20 miles is nearer than most and I`m adjacent to the A9, well 2-3 miles.

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This says it all:


The League Against Cruel Sports, which manages the site for Sir Paul, believes pro-hunting groups may be responsible.


Let's not forget that Dumbo McCartney funded LACS's £1.5million failed campaign to have snaring banned in Scotland. I wish it was his remains rather than those of a deer that had been dumped at the LACS "shrine".

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Lets look at it again......


The mutilated remains of a deer were dumped near a woodland shrine devoted to Sir Paul's McCartney's late wife Linda, police have confirmed.


The head, legs and intestines were found last month on a road adjacent to Sir Paul's estate


:/ NEAR.......ADJACENT, I`m near to the Highlands, well 20 miles is nearer than most and I`m adjacent to the A9, well 2-3 miles.

Exactly, pure press sensationalism, We had a similar incident a few years ago with a "shot fox being dumped on a footpath", it was on private land, in a disused barn, 1/2 mile away from the nearest footpath.

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My opinion for what its worth:


1. For Paul this is an expenditure exercise because he doesn’t want to give it to his ex.


2. Troll where does it say martin is a troll


3. Even the antis are entitled to an opinion even the wrong one.


4. Media just like to stir anything up

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another "beatles" themed post (sorry)

the remains of a deer have been found on the memorial site to linda "wings" McCartney. the LACS, have said that it has been targeted before by pro-shooting orgs. is this how low the pro-shoot gang will go, or is this a cack handed atempt by the antis to try and push a bad image on us? :/

you decide.

Unless I am missing something here, I really do not see the point of your post for the following reasons;

1/ There are probably the remains of deer in just about every piece of woodland/open land in the country.

2/ Why would pro shooting people put deer remains here? What possible pro shooting statement could this make?

3/ Are you not one of the "pro shoot gang"? if you are not, why are you on this site?

4/How is this "pushing a bad image"? whatever that means?

5/When were you last accused of being a troll?

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