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Don't just do it, B&Q it


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Anybody else DIYing this weekend? :w00t:


Started off as a bit of grouting in the bathroom, now it's the ******* garden fence that's blown down, rotten fence posts. I volunteered to do it myself before my wadded neighbour calls in J. Stitchup & Sons Fencing Contractors to do the job :lol:


We don't seem to know whose fence it is so it's a 50/50 job :w00t:


I dare say my nearest and dearest will find another couple of jobs shortly :w00t:


Shooting at Worsley tomorrow though :lol:

Edited by Chard
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JUst got back from B&Q - I hate the place. I'd much rather get stuff from Wickes or Travis, where there's a more professional slant on things. I was in B&Q shortly after 0800h this morning to get some gorilla snot and drill bits, and it was filling up with people.

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Chard rule of thumb is as you look out your house into your back garden your fence will be on the left.


Get office copy entries and a plan off the land registry on-line (£6) and the ownership of the boundary will be denoted by "T" markers.


Mung, never heard of that one before, (mines on the right), the rule I've always used, if it's a closeboarded fence with horizontal ***** rails, is that if the rails are your side, and plain boarding is on your neighbours side, then it's your fence.



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My fence is on the left as you look into the back garden. But I suppose somewhere along the line someone must own the right hand fence.


Who owns the one accross the bottom? The bottom of my garden is the right side of an adjacent property.


Your Deeds will show this.


I was meant to be decorating our kitchen but my neck has put pay to that.


I'm off to a beer festival instead.

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Chard rule of thumb is as you look out your house into your back garden your fence will be on the left.


Get office copy entries and a plan off the land registry on-line (£6) and the ownership of the boundary will be denoted by "T" markers.


Thanks Mung, Cat & Martincavie, for your input on that. It's a bit late now, I suppose. I volunteered to do it myself, before he called in an expensive contractor, and we agreed go halves on the cost :blink:


It's only cost a couple of fence posts and a couple of bags of Postfix concrete (so far). The actual fence panels don't look too clever, but **** that, they're going back when I've got the new posts in :lol::good: :good:


We intend to put the house on the market this year, so I'm not spending any more than I have to :good:

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