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who pays,


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Clayman, please settle an argument, Today I attended a 100 bird registered shoot.(Sporting) on signing in I was told it was a Staffordshire team quallifier event and I would have to pay a levy!! to the stafford county,cpsa !! I replied as I did not live in Staffordshire I could not qualify for said team and myself, and other non Staffordshire members should not pay!! However I was Informed That the Stafford CPSA Secretary had informed the ground ,that all entrants should pay the levy? However, I stood my ground and had my Levy returned. But who is right?? If I am wrong then I will return the levy, but if I was right, what happens to the levy paid by fellow non Staffordshire shooters,? Cheers, B,Man1.

Edited by berettaman1
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Hi Ron


The simple answer is everyone is charged the £2 levy at a County or Regional Selection shoot and the monies collected go straight to the County Funds and not into HQs accounts. Everyone is charged the levy even if you don't belong to the particular county that's hosting the shoot. All the shoots are advertised as being county shoots as directed in the articles. So it should not be a surprise if you pitch up and it's a county selection. If two counties share a selection shoot then the levvies are split equally between all the counties. So when your own selection shoot occurs then people not in your county will contribute towards your counties accounts.


The money is used for Trophies, Prizes, Badges, Sponsorships for the Juniors and Colts and does not go towards any CPSA county Committee people as they are all volunteers.


In Wiltshire we use levvies to pay Inter County fees for Juniors and Colts, we also buy new trophies and team clothing for the County Teams. Just a hat or shirt or similar people like to be a part of a team and getting them something that says they are in the team is a reward in some small way. Some counties may well use some of the money to pay for a venue for their AGM however most counties are loaned club houses free of charge. All the accounts are audited on a regular basis so nothing goes astray and it's all completely above board and proper as it were.


When you shoot the Regional Selection Shoots there will also be a Regional Levy along the same lines.


Generally our County Levvies collected over all the disciplines add up to around £500 a year which just about pays for sponsored entrants and county badges and if there's anything left over we would add to the trophies as most of the discplines don't actually have one. :angry: we also pay for people to get them engraved with their names.


If there's been a situation at our Wiltshire selection shoot where someone flatly refused to pay the levy I wouldn't make the ground owner collect it as it's his business and he can't afford to annoy his customers. But I'm glad to say we've never had such a situation.


Hope that answers your question.


Are you going to refuse the Regional Levvies too? :hmm:


Just to stress the point, the money does not go to HQ and neither are the County Committee people paid, it all goes back into the County and the people that shoot for it and to encourage those that want to shoot for their county and maybe can't quite afford it such as juniors and colts.



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I think there are often situations in competitions where some shooters are getting a raw deal, but I suppose at the end of the day, they don't have to enter :hmm:


We had this at Worsley, the other weekend. I normally go to Worsley on Saturday, to do a 100 bird practice round at £20. On the weekend in question, they had laid on a big competition on the Sunday, partly as a sort of registered punch-up and partly as a memorial to Eric Knott. As I am a CPSA Clubman and not classified with CPSA, I believe I could only go for High Gun prize - Oh how we laaaaaaarfed :hmm: So, no point in me paying £35 for the full open competition. Next one down is just to enter the Eric Knott Memorial, for which the prize was a nice cup. Problem is, I'm not bothered about cups and trophies, just give me the filthy wonga :lol: So, no point in me paying the £30 for that one either. So, I thought (in the absence of any advertised prices), I'll just shoot "birds only". How much is that then, squire, £20 as usual?


Nay, he says, It's either £35 or £30 :good: What joy, I thought, as I shelled out £30, I'm paying for somebody elses prizes. :lol: I heard a few other shooters muttering along similar lines, but at the end of the day, entry wasn't compulsory, I could have naffed orf and gone elsewhere. I wasn't best pleased though. I think prices could have been advertised clearer in advance. I suppose it's only a tenner (rather than Ron's £2 :hmm::lol::) ) but it's the principle :angry:

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Sorry, only picked this up tonite, but comprehensive and correct replies are already in place.


A county levy is a condition of entry made by the ground, at the behst of the county. CPSA HQ have nothing to do with it.


The ground owner can agree to donate a wedge of money to the county, set fee ( in which case it will not be declared as a levy / per entry); or they can levy the county shooters only; or they can levy everyone.


It is correct that this money does not in any way go to the CPSA HQ, it goes to the county treasurer and into the county account. Most counties have an annual budget of about £4,000, and much of it is raised via these levies. The money is spent on young shots, trophies, sponsorship and other worthy causes.


Don't begrudge them their £2 or what ever they want. They work for nothing ( county committee members) and get little from CPSA HQ, so cough up mate.



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You created a scene over £2? :lol:

If you took the time to read my thread you would not reply in the manner you did, I dont know how often you shoot registered competitions, or indeed if you ever have, if you are not a weekly registered shooter then your reply is not valid, or indeed does nothing to the thread,I have said I , If wrong will repay the said levy, I raised the question because when I shoot such competitions in my own County, shooters are not asked to pay such levies if they are from outside our County area. I have took onboard the factual replies to my question, and will(AS STATED) in my opening thread, repay the levy on my next visit to the ground.

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The policy varies from county to county and shoot ground to shoot ground, but if the ground has agreed to collect a levy from all shooters including those out of county then its a condition of entry.


You choose when you pay your entry money to pay the levy if its part of the fees agreed by the operator and the county - or you vote with your feet.


I support levies, when imposed, as I know the money raised is not spent on junket, but goes to improving shooting for all at county level.



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