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CZ 22 Rimfire 16" Barrels


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The theory is that there is so little powder in a 22LR case that it burns in around 12" of barrel. So a 14 or 16" won't lose any velocity.


I would think that a decent quality barrel would be just as accurate as a longer one.


I have the 22LR American 16" and it shoots very well. I didn't bother with the fat Varmint barrel because the short barrel on mine seems pretty stiff anyway.

If you have used a full length 22LR the short barrel ones seem so much handier to use as well!



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Mine is a 16" barrel and it is mega accurate. Floated the barrel too a while back and the accuracy is pretty damned good. I shot this card at 75 yards using Eley subs on a calm day. Shooting off a bipod on a solid bench. :angry:


The shots off to the bottom left were scoping in shots. Had just swapped scopes over from another rifle. Think it took about 10 shots to get it in the centre. then I got giddy and popped the centre out of the card as I had only put up the one target.


Edited by mr lee
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Thank you all very much. I am considering upgrading my FAC to include a rimmy and fancy a CZ American which will be slung and carried for the main stay of its work, so small light and manovarable is ideal especially now I know that I need not worry about loosing any accuracy.



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