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Sony mini disc recorders.


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I have a little personal sized type thingy one of these. I'm thinking about setting it up as a caller, don't know if it's do-able, with some seperate speakers. Anyone?


Mini discs are good for live recordings - solid state still pricy.


Yes you can drive both through a PA with the correct Kit ( desk/amp/etc) but as a caller you'd be better with a lap top - or go the whole hog and find y'sen a live band to it propper. :lol::good::hmm::good:;)

Edited by Yellow Bear
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whilst mini-disc is old hat it still has THE best sound quality available imo, i hear new bits every time a play an album, carrying discs is a pain compared to an ipod but if you want one for calls it should be alreet some active speakers might be loud enough, dont know till you try.


id keep the deck if you've got separates anyway,

Edited by artful badger
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I have a minidisc seperate on my stack-up system, and a minidisc player in the car.

Can beat them in a vehicle, they are bomb-proof ie dont scratch like cd's while rolling around on the floor.

I record all my own for the car on the stack up system, and listen to cd's in the house.


Hope that helped!

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Minidisc uses "atrac" encoding, not even close to a good approximation of audio "in the wild".


Among the bad things it does, like any "lossy" compression is a dynamic cut-off of bass frequency information from any signal. This is bad, it removes harmonics and makes things sound "flat".


I have an mdz10, the best sony produced and it's great, but I don't use it. I can encode my own songs from good sources and get better results.


That said, "CD" is also **** compared to vynil, if you take something with all the information and only pay attention once every 44,000'th of a second you don't capture it all, yet for years people have percieved CD's to be better than records.


Ho hum :blink:

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