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Recovered Shoot


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Hi All


Just thought 'd give you a quick write up of my first visit back to the shoot I lost ( see http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...howtopic=34824).

Well I'd arranged with the farmer to meet up with him at 14.30, I arrived with no sign of him, Gave him a quick call ''He was on his way and by the way a fox had taken one of his lamb's the previous night'' a job for me then..While I was waiting for him I was watching a couple of Roe bucks having a set too,The larger was a lovely looking chap and the smaller was bad either. When he got there we had a quick chat about life and all that then went for a walk so we could check out a couple of sets/earth's to see what was about, Not a lot by the look of it, well in those ones anyway. As we walked he said that I could shoot anything I wanted to pest control wise as they have jackdaws nesting in a barn a large gathering of Magpies and numerous rabbits not to mention the foxes, He's also ok with me taking a roe or two along the way, The smaller of the two bucks may be for it, just have to see how there battles progress. When we'd finished he said have a walk round if you want, I needed to do a bit of zeroing so got on with this and then had a Stroll. Lovely to be out on this land again, Not much about as I walked along , every 10-20 yards I have a stop and glass over what was in front of me. By the time I'd got to the bottom of the land without seeing anything's i'd spotted quite a few slots from deer and tracks from foxes but luckily not too much sign of Brock. As I walked on I stopped put the glasses up and suddenly a fox popped though the hedge 35yrds from me and kept on walking towards me!!! Well it was rude not too so there is now one less fox on the ground. Didn't see anything else I as walked but didn't need to really too. Spoke to the farmer who was pleased to say the least.. Overall a really good day , nice to be doing my bit to help and great to have some land to shoot on again. I have put some pictures below of the land I'm on and also Charlie. If you've got to the bottom of this well done and thanks for reading..


Cheers Jon



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Unfortunatly the woods at the back of the shot's aren't his.

A few pigeon flying around but its a dairy and sheep farm here so other that the field and roost nothing to atract them.


Cheers Jon

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