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no joke


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Just been reading about new sex discrimination law being introduced by Loony Harriet Harman,New Labour Minister, which will result in any such jokes being told make the teller liable to prosecution! This PCorrect Goverment is completely off its trolly, the inner cities are dangerous places to walk now due to the violence being dealt out by scumbag waste of space individuals who know that there is no real chance of being caught, as most of the police are too busy apparently hiding with speed cameras to catch mainly law abiding folk who are speeding, or parking on double yellows for a few minutes. if you have a number plate then there is no escape from another stealth tax dropping through your letterbox,Been duffed up by yobbo,s?..... Had your house broke into?..... No good phoning the police, they are allways to busy, they inform you they will send an officer round to take your statement, or even ask you to call round to the police station, But you call someone gay, or idle, and they will attend mob handed and take you down to the slammer for a few hours, while they search your house to see if you are hiding something else they can fine you for.... Lord God, Help Us All. :good:

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Something like that actually happen to my neighbour. his house was broken into. Thieves came in from the kitchen window, and nicked a lot of his stuff as he was moving some stuff from his girl's house to his. Stuff was still packed, so I guess they knew what he was upto. Anyway, he called the old bill, they told him that they will send in an officer within 1 and half hour, and he will need to take finger prints so he shouldnt touch anything at all especially in the kitchen. Anyway, he had dinner/tea etc around mine, and police didnt turn up that night, he rang again in the morning and was told the same, but the result was same too. police at the end turned up after two days, (initially 1 and half hour) and told him THEY WERE TOO BUSY!!!!!!!!! I cant imagine how angry he must have been... I have needed to call the police on two occassions in my life, and both times didnt turn up and was told exactly the same thing that "they are busy dealing with more serious crime" :good:


If my neighbour had connected 220V to his kitchen sink, and damaged the thief in anyway, for sure he would be done for that, and loose his job, house, credibility, car and anything else that could be counted as a loss on his side. But unfortunately IF (miraculously) the thief had got cought, he wouldnt get more than a few months, and even that would be reduced due to good behaviour etc, and he obviously wouldnt loose all the rest that the innocent man could.


Unfortunately, there are too many criminal rights in the UK, and not enough rights for a person who is law abiding, works, drives, and leads a normal family life.


I think if you have something to lose (career, house, family, reputation etc), you will be done for even looking/staring at a police man. If you got nothing to lose, and you drive a stolen car etc, you can get away with a murder (ok you may get 5 to 7 years for a murder) and thats it.

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Now Now Dr_W, I know you are not gay, but the bloke you sleep with is! :good::drinks:



Now Now Dr_W, I know you are not gay, but the bloke you sleep with is! :good::lol:


Who told you???


You two are not sleeping with each other are ya ? :good:


No he snores too loudly

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so what can you do to a burgular in ur hous ? i hear that if you tell the police you are holding the criminal hostage with a shotgun or if u say u shot him they send a whole station double quick but i fink they charge you with wasteing police time

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You are saying what most right-minded people are thinking Ron, but what is the answer?

I dont honestly know Bob, There are many many thousands of young people who can not get a job, even a apprentiship to learn a trade, many others of course dont want to work, many are the offspring of parents who dont like to work either, and are quite happy to turn a blind eye to what is going on,you see such youths everywhere, strolling along with a young girl pushing a child or two in a pram,while they are smoking, or downing tinnies, they are quite happy to be bed hopping young girls and knocking out another child without having to pay for it. This Goverment we are suffering under are quite content to force a multitude of non christians on to us ,not caring that the newcomers are overloading the health , schooling ,housing,and other services that the British People have been paying for, for many years.I am totally against the way some Polish people have been treated by some of the Yobs that infest most of britain, and the funny thing is their excuse to attack these poles is(THEY ARE TAKING OUR JOBS!) thats rich, the yobs complaining, dont want to work, anyway! !.... Again.. Please God Help us all. :good:

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