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How ive been wasting my time lately (no 56k)


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Thought a few of you may be interested in how ive been spending alot of my time recently.


Well its not shooting unfortunatly due to the unique weather in this country.


Ive taken up photography, more particually motorsport photography, i know there are a few motorheads on here, so may be of some interest.


Heres a selection from the BTCC meet from the previous weekend.
















A clio sequence from practice on friday (got very wet.......thank you weather)







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I agree and some other angles would be good, however this spot at brands (brands hatch stuart) is very hard to get, had to stay there for ages to get it as its the only spot that side of the track without catch fencing now.


The exif data should have remained, not sure why its gone, they are all on my smugmug (plus a few hundred more from the same spot)

http://dunganick.smugmug.com/ Anyway, the setup is only a canon 400d with sigma 100-300 F4. Soon to become a 40d i hope and also a 1.4 tele converter.


Motion blur is difficult to achieve on head ones, typically i shoot high shutters on head on shots as you cant see the wheels much anyway, its also worth shooting fast shutters when there is a race as the slow ones tend to ruin any interesting accidents.


I will find some pans in a second.

Edited by dunganick
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Seconded, very clear pictures Nick.

I did a bit of motorsport back in the day and was approached a couple of times by photographers who had my picture, I almost always bought them if they were any good - have you tried to sell any?

I did hillclimbs and sprints which are fairly grass roots motorsports so there was probably a bit less competiton than at the bigger events like the touring cars and the like.

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I am a bit stuck at the moment, ive given away a few photos at the moment, and hopefully one will be featured on a flyer for a Bluechip, the company which sponsers the last car pictured. The problem however is that i cannot legally sell my photos untill i have a media pass, they are the property of the tracks. The next issue is that to get a media pass i need an organisation to take pictures for (not a problem) but i need 2 published photos (problem), this is only the case on MSV tracks (brands my local track is one of these) Other tracks just ask you are credited by a comapany/magazine and have public liability insurance. As such i hope to be trackside for thruxton. And if i can sort the published photos then maybe DTM at brands.


At the moment im doing it for fun, but me and a friend are looking into trying to make a little bit of money out of it as well.


I enjoy people using/viewing the photos as much as anything.

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Lyddon Hill can't be too far from you Nick, they used have sprints there and they used to have rallycross in the winter as well

We used to go there, another was North Weald :yes: we never did that but there used to be some spectactular offs, especially when the Ferrari Owners turned up :hmm:

If I can remember the name of it there is a school south of the M25 that lets the hillclimbers run up its driveway once a year as well [a guy brought an ex-F1 car along to that but couldn't get round the hairpin :lol: ]

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when you can promise me some woodies lol


dont suppose you can do friday?



You suppose right Nick. I have so much to do mate it would make a lesser make have a mental episode.


I can do the following Friday though. The flocks have broken up and the rape is still low enough to put the deeks out effectively so let me know asap mate.


You can bring your camera if your a good boy :lol::yes::hmm:


Stop derailing your own thread.






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its a good enough camera, infact tbh mines been excellent. My major criticism of it is simply that its not big enough. The hand grip on it is too small. This can be solved by getting a bettery grip with the portrait shutter buttons but then you will have spent an extra £100 for the grip plus a second battery. So you may as well have gone for the 40d.


There is not a massive difference between the 400d and 450, you may get a 400d for less which would be a good way to go.


If i was buying again i would look at the sony A350, sony use cmos sensors with dust removal systems (like canon) they have a rubbish range of sony lenses however most sigma lenses come with a sony/minolta fit. The major advantage of the sonys is the built in IS, meaning you dont need to spend a fortune on lenses with built in IS.


Be warned the kit lense in the 400d is not the best avalible, there is however a 50mm prime which is about £55 that is supposed to be excellent.


The same goes for cameras as it does for guns, aim to spend more on your glass than your gun/camera. My sigma 100-300 F4 was £150 more than my camera, but this lense will see many camera bodys in its life i would imagine.


Hope that helps.

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