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pigeon population


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How many pigeons is there on average in the uk and is the population declining or rising.The reason i ask is taht people have such big bags it makes me wonder how many pigeons actually live in the uk.



Does anyone know the name of that irishman who shot 7000 doves in one day in argentina?

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In the last BTO magazine they estimate the wood pigeon populationto be 8.5 million in the UK and steadly rising ( up by 2\3s over the last 40 years ). So shooting is having little effect on the national population.

8.5mill - I was going to say thats a conservative estimate but in truth its more of a new labour guestimate!

i.e. Quote PM Gord: The UK has approx 8.5 thousand illegal immigrants!!

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Sorry I made a misread the BTO mag :blush: . They estimate 8.2 not 8.5 million birds.......or was that second estimate after a couple of good days decoying ? :good: I can see you distrust stats Country Boy , but the BTO surveys are usualy pretty good with a sample taken from right across the country. So give or take 1\2 a million I would say its close to the mark. I do not know where you heard of 20 million pigeons from Mossy ? I was surprised it was as high as 8.2 million , the last estimate from MAFF 20 years ago was around 5 million and farmers are not likely to under estimate the the damage they would cause.

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2.5-3 million territories means the number of breeding pairs. However pigeons are ver hard to census using Common Bird Survey methods partly because they have such a long breeding season. Nest losses for pigeons are high , but as they breed 2-4 times a year laying 2 eggs at a time plenty of young are produced.


Say 2.5 million pairs lay an average of 3 clutches of 2 eggs thats a potential of 15 million young. Predation from predators ( magpies\hawks ) would probably account for about 50% of the eggs and squabs. Add shooting mortality of the adults and we get somewhere near the latest BTO mags estimate of 8.2 million birds.


I also suspect foxes may take a lot of adults in summer. I work in a large woodland and there no shooting in the wood and little spring\summer shooting on the surrounding farms ( due to the pheasants breeding ) and yet I find a lot of the remains of pigeons about the wood in summer , As the flight feathers are often biten through its not hawks and most likely foxes. I frequently see odd pigeons feeding along the narrow woodland rides in summer and I think It would be easy for a fox to ambush them. In such confined spaces pigeons have some trouble making a quick getaway.

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