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Unsure about shotguns

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i am 16 years old and i have a shotgun certificate. My dad also has a shotgun certificate with 12 shotguns on it, he is thinking of giving his certificate up this time. Am i allowed to keep the guns at my house if they are on my certificate if my dad classed it as he gave them to me? :lol:


Any help would be great thanks. :rolleyes:

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For the sake of £50 I would highly reccomend he keeps his certificate.


Without trying to sound depressing if the worst happens and they don't know where you keep the key then the police may smash into the cabinet to gain access and that's the last thing you want. Much easier if your Dad keeps his certificate.


FM :rolleyes:

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so he can hold a shotgun cert and 12 guns but he cant buy cartridges till he is 17yr old thats odd .thats like here have a car license and a car but you cant drive it for another year . i know its the age thing but then it seems a bit dumb ***** dont it he must be frustrated.

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For the sake of £50 I would highly reccomend he keeps his certificate.

I'd agree with that



Without trying to sound depressing if the worst happens and they don't know where you keep the key then the police may smash into the cabinet to gain access and that's the last thing you want. Much easier if your Dad keeps his certificate.


FM ;)

No one should know where he keeps the key anyway, otherwise it kind of defeats the point in having a locked cabinet ( which is to keep unauthorised hands off, i.e non SGC holders, mother other siblings, farther if he gives up, visitors and unwelcome visitors)

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Just add all the shot guns to your certificate and fill in a few of these and post off to the boy's in blue


just put a line through the address at the top and add your own constabulary' s address


before filling in anything read through it all twice, should be quite apparent what goes where, if not just ask on here :good:


Then once all that is done and your dad still wants to give his sgc up then he just writes a letter to say as much, simple really


hope this is what you needed to know?

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For the sake of £50 I would highly reccomend he keeps his certificate.

I'd agree with that



Without trying to sound depressing if the worst happens and they don't know where you keep the key then the police may smash into the cabinet to gain access and that's the last thing you want. Much easier if your Dad keeps his certificate.


FM :crazy:

No one should know where he keeps the key anyway, otherwise it kind of defeats the point in having a locked cabinet ( which is to keep unauthorised hands off, i.e non SGC holders, mother other siblings, farther if he gives up, visitors and unwelcome visitors)

I think I worded what I meant badly. :good::drinks:


What I meant was it's easier for your Dad to have access to the keys legally as well. Both myself and my Dad do and it is much simpler even though my Dad does not shoot much. One example of how it can be useful is you are coming home from a days shooting and need to grab something from the shops. You could not legally leave your Dad with the guns in the car if he doesn't have the certificate anymore. He does however buy cartridges for me as I'm only 15.


FM :crazy:

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You could not legally leave your Dad with the guns in the car if he doesn't have the certificate anymore. He does however buy cartridges for me as I'm only 15.


FM :good:



Is that correct?


If I leave my wife and / or kids in the car with the shotty

locked in the boot, does that mean I am breaking the conditions

of my certificate (breaking the law)?



Cheers taz

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If the boot is seperate to the car and there's no way they can gain access without breaking something then you are ok. If it's a hatchback and all they need to do is remove the parcel shelf there could be a legal problem there.


As for the original question, you can have all your dads guns on your SGC. Once his ticket is gone he can no longer have any access to the guns unless under your supervision. You'll also have to find someone to buy you ammo until you're 17.

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