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the reason i want to tern it down is that when im shooting the rats in the barn im finding even with rws holow points its going straight through them and ricoshaying. and for when i put it back up i would crono it to check it was ok.


I wasnt aware that you could alter the power output on a Solo Russ. .... If you can please PM me with the details, cheers.



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Why would you want to? :/


Sound like a "how do I power it down" cause then I know how to power it up question :hmm:


Just adjust your scope or buy a laser sight and set them to closer yardage.



no flys on you BSA Shaun :good:


russ just sell it and get a real gun like a aas400 in 177 or 22 :good::/:oops::D

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Why would you want to? :/


Sound like a "how do I power it down" cause then I know how to power it up question :hmm:


Just adjust your scope or buy a laser sight and set them to closer yardage.



no flys on you BSA Shaun :good:


russ just sell it and get a real gun like a aas400 in 177 or 22 :good::/:oops::D


Jeeezus, what is it with you lot and your ******* air arms ?

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don't know mate i have sold all my rapids and got aa's :good::D


Fair enough, each to their own and all, but I just get p'd off with people slagging the Solo off. It kills stuff just the same as the rest ! I know the AA's are better made and more refined but my mates trigger broke on his s410 sat night so its swings and rounderbouts as some of them obviously weren't made to the same high standards.

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i have tryed them but my rife dose not like them 1 bit for some reason even at close range it dose not like them


as for the straw and hay bales i dont fink the farmer would be happy with expencive hay bales with lumps of lead in them for the animals to eat.


i do bate them in...

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