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Pigeon Breasts


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After shootin several pigeons and having plenty of pigeon breasts, I was wondering if anyone knows of any reason why I should not give the dogs a wee taste now and again.

Is it better to give the dogs raw pigeon meat rather than cooked pigeon meat???

This is for the benefit of my other half who does nothing but earbash me for giving the dogs a treat now and again.


Thank you in anticipation.


Colin :yp: :rolleyes::rolleyes:;)

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Colin... My Gramp ( Bless Him) used to cook them until they were tough and chewy

and dice then into cubes about an inch square and use them as treats. and when training.


Also the best treats for use training a dog is liver done the same way. Dogs love it.


I wouldnt advocate giving raw Pigeon meat to a dog in any quantity even though they are carnivores, especially if they have been used to a complete food. You may also be passing on some unwanted parasites in the raw flesh.





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Missus normaly does a big caserole of pigeon pheasant duck, port / red wine

mixing any or all 3 meats and same with wine. If theres no room to freeze the excess then yes I will feed it to the dogs, (working labs). I wouldnt be too keen on giving the "thug" raw game / pigeon just in case he remembers it and gets a bit hungry during a day out and eats a retreive. Hasn't happened yet but wouldnt encourge it with the raw game.


Had a spaniel that some one teased with hare ears, and she jumped and ate it.


From then on she would allways (given the chance) take the ears of any rabit shot and left in her way (after the retrieve of course).


Just my 2p worh



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