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The Bank Job

jonno 357

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Watched these this week


10 000BC- one word sums this film - #### oh and its a copy of the apoco whatever lipto Mel Gibson thingy.


The Bank Job - Top film few naked girlies bit of violence and swearing


Fools Gold - Was expecting this And Tennant film to be much better - two words cat ####


Well thats my film review for the week over :)



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Anyone seen Never Back Down? Most of the reviews I've read have slated it but then again they appeared to have been written by over protective Mothers who think that YouTube is a swear word and a film that's 'only' rated 15 shouldn't show teenagers drinking beer in plastic cups as it might give 'impressionable young teens' the wrong ideas. :) My mate who has seen it loved it so I'm guessing it's just going to be a disengage your brain, sit back and enjoy type of film? I'm going to see it tomorrow with a few friends so will have to wait and see. :yahoo:


FM :yahoo:

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I watched a great film the other day about a volkswagen beetle that had its own personality.


It drove itself.

Absolutely amazing really.

It could also throw bananas, It was like, Sooo cool. i still have smile on my face now

What will they think of next.


I dont think it is out a the cinema yet as a bloke in the pu got me a copy if you know what I mean and I am sure that you do.



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Mark Kermode had better watch out and as for Rossie...........


Lisping W*****



He always speaks highly of you.......




......Seriously though, have a swatch of "There will be blood" IMHO a top movie and by the Coens too.



Got that on dvd. Buts that for another film review next week



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