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reloading bullets

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I ask because I'll be going back to the states in a few weeks and I'm planning to pick up a few boxes. Just wanted to make sure they don't count against my totals as I'll be buying more than I'm supposed to have rounds of likely.




Oh yes they will, you may even find that they will be impounded by HM customs, it might pay you to have a RFD collect them from the airport for you.

Your ticket reads; "Ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles, Maximum quantity authorised to be possessed at any one time", irrespective of where they came from, you are possessing them.

Expanding missiles are bullets, and that is the wording on your FAC.

It may pay you to check with your FEO, but that is my interpretation.

FMJ does not count against your totals, they are not prohibited ammunition.

Edited by bob300w
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correct not in component form

once reloaded becomes part of authority to possess :(


Only if it's FMJ. Expanding heas are section 5 and DO count against your allocation. Mind you, I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it.


I suggest you check with your FLO, BASC or someone like that. In the present climate Customs might go to a farts end checking into it when you come home.

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Oh yes they will, you may even find that they will be impounded by HM customs, it might pay you to have a RFD collect them from the airport for you.

Your ticket reads; "Maximum quantity authorised to be possessed at any one time", irrespective of where they acme from, you are possessing them.


RELOADING BULLETS as per the title bullet heads only do not count as ammunition

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Oh yes they will, you may even find that they will be impounded by HM customs, it might pay you to have a RFD collect them from the airport for you.

Your ticket reads; "Maximum quantity authorised to be possessed at any one time", irrespective of where they acme from, you are possessing them.



RELOADING BULLETS as per the title bullet heads only do not count as ammunition

Wrong, read your FAC, it says "expanding missiles" these are soft or hollow point bullet heads, whether loaded into cartridges or not. Some target ammunition is hollow point, these are not included as expanding.

Edited by bob300w
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RELOADING BULLETS as per the title bullet heads only do not count as ammunition

i agree as what is a bullet it could be any metal in the right shape.



"expanding missiles"

expanding so its only for expanding bullets this rule apply


Well make your mind up, you've gone from one extreme to the other. :stupid: :( ???

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haha lol im going to to send an email to the met and ask then we can settle this.

Another really smart statement, you live in Norfolk, therefore you come under Norfolk HQ in Norwich, why would you want to email the Met? Do you even own a gun? I find this unlikely as you do not know where your County HQ is.

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haha yes sorry i was in a hurry to reply so just put the met as first thing that poped into mind and i dont go though the Norfolk i go thought the Suffolk we live in Suffolk and that used to be our address but then it changed to Norfolk now half the village is Eye Suffolk and the other is Diss Norfolk. lol

Edited by InGen
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Maybe North Yorks and Norfolk are not subject to UK firearms law. They both start with NOR after all.


On a subject like this, gents it's better to say nothing than give bad advice.


as wakefield starts with wak

the intention was not to give bad advice you have assumed it is expanding heads as also i assumed


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wow, never seen a thread get that many replies that fast.


I'll give me FLO a ring. My understanding was that


(1) I had to have an FAC with the appropriate caliber and expanding bullets provision to possess expanding heads in the first place

(2) Loaded ammunition counts against my 'tally'

(3) components do not count until they become loaded ammo.


I'll check on monday with the firearms division.


Last time I came back through I had 3 boxes of heads of .224", a couple hundred rounds of 22LR, 4 boxes of HMR, a few dozen shotgun shells, and 50 loaded 223 Rem rounds. I also had my 223 and 22LR in a separate case. When I checked through customs I declared the guns and ammo. They checked in the guns but not the ammo. I even asked about them checking the ammo against my ticket and they said they didn't want to see it. Fine by me.




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Target bullets are ok, as many as you can carry. Expanding section 5 ammo is limited to the maximum number of rounds you're allowed to hold.


I know this because my mentor reloaded his own ammo and he has a seperate condition to hold (I think) 1000 expanding heads. Without that, he could only hold up to his made up ammo limit.

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Maybe North Yorks and Norfolk are not subject to UK firearms law. They both start with NOR after all.


On a subject like this, gents it's better to say nothing than give bad advice.


as wakefield starts with wak

the intention was not to give bad advice you have assumed it is expanding heads as also i assumed



Scuse me sunshine but if you read back, if you can read, you'll notice I mentioned both FMJ and expanding on my first post. Obviously the wak comes in between a and e .............................. AwakE.


Now, pray tell, who's made the assumption? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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Maybe North Yorks and Norfolk are not subject to UK firearms law. They both start with NOR after all.


On a subject like this, gents it's better to say nothing than give bad advice.


as wakefield starts with wak

the intention was not to give bad advice you have assumed it is expanding heads as also i assumed



Scuse me sunshine but if you read back, if you can read, you'll notice I mentioned both FMJ and expanding on my first post. Obviously the wak comes in between a and e .............................. AwakE.


Now, pray tell, who's made the assumption? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:


sunshine you are scused apologies i fell asleep reading your first post :hmm::lol:

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Maybe North Yorks and Norfolk are not subject to UK firearms law. They both start with NOR after all.


On a subject like this, gents it's better to say nothing than give bad advice.


as wakefield starts with wak

the intention was not to give bad advice you have assumed it is expanding heads as also i assumed



Scuse me sunshine but if you read back, if you can read, you'll notice I mentioned both FMJ and expanding on my first post. Obviously the wak comes in between a and e .............................. AwakE.


Now, pray tell, who's made the assumption? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:


sunshine you are scused apologies i fell asleep reading your first post :hmm::lol:


No staying power :lol: :lol: :yp:

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:good: quite simple really, and as davek and a few other have said


If I (or you) buy 20 .308 fmj cartridges, they are entered on to the back of my FAC, and count towards number of rounds held, 20 rounds .308 win etc.


If i buy 100 .30 cal fmj bullet 'heads' they are not entered onto the back off the FAC and do not count towards number of rounds held


However if i buy 100 .30 cal soft point bullet 'heads' they ARE entered onto the back off the FAC and DO count towards number of rounds held, 100 rounds .30cal therefore against the only .30 cal ( .308w) that i have.

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