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A bloke accidently shoots a sparrowhawk, and throws it in the ditch, but his dog retreives it so he takes it home and puts it out for the rubbish, but his cat rips the bag open and brings it in. In desperation he decides to cook it and eat the evidence. But a keen twitcher finds the carcass and the bloke is up before the beek in court.

Before passing sentence the judge asks the man "out of interest whats sparrowhawk taste like" the man ponders a moment and replies "A bit richer in taste than golden eagle but not as nice as osprey"


P.S. How far does a cat have to be from home to be termed feral ? (just kidding)


Hope this cheers you all up

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A man is out mowing his lawn when he hears digging next door. Being nosey, he looks over the fence to see his neighbour digging a 6' x 6' hole.


"What are you up to?" he asks his neighbour


"I am burying my canary"


"Bloody big hole for a canary isn't it?"


"It should be, it's in your cat!! "


:devil: :*) :P

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