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An excellent evening/night.


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I went out with ***** the Lampmeister last night and we nailed these 4 little Rascals.


We started the session off around 7pm and did a bit of Deer Stalking. We spotted a Roe Buck with a poor 2 pointed head. One spike was a fair bit smaller than the other and was fairly bent, so he was no great loss to the gene pool. Head shot from around 80yds as he was looking straight at us in some fairly high grass. We gralloched the Buck and threw his entrails onto a nearby ploughed feed for Fox bait.


After walking to the other side of the permission, ***** spotted a Muntjac Buck at the edge of a piece of Woodland. Our approach angle meant that we were within 40yds of him when we saw him. He was too busy eating to notice us so it was an easy shot. We gralloched him and then as it was after sunset we walked back to the farm yard to get the truck. I put the rifle in the back and got the shotgun out to start on the Bunnies.


We had shot a few Rabbits when we came across the first Fox Cub of the night. She was on her own and around 30yds out in a Broad Bean field. 30gms of No6 sorted her out.


We kept on with the Bunny Bashing. Quite close to where We took the Roe Buck, ***** lamped several sets of eyes (5, he thinks) around 100yds away, spread along the edge of some cover. I put the 12g down and got the Rifle set up. The first one we took out was chewing on the remains of a Turkey carcass. The Turkey Farm is about half a mile away from where we shot them, so I guess the Mother must have dragged it to where we shot them. The shot scared the others into cover. We squeaked them but didn't get a good enough view for another shot.


We went back onto the Bunnies for an hour and then returned with the red filter on to take out another one. We got the final one at about 3am. We never got a look at an adult Fox all night, so the Vixen and maybe one Cub are still around somewhere.


Took all 3 with the .243 at about 75-100yds.


Total for the Evening/Night.


1 Roe Buck

1 Muntjac Buck

40 Rabbits

4 Fox Cubs (2 Dogs, 2 Vixens).


Big thanks to *****, my Driver/Lampman. :good:







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***** went back to where we shot the three cubs last night and managed to get another one. Apparently it is a runt vixen and has no tail! It was chewing on the same Turkey carcass that one of the cubs I shot was. They all seem in really good condition, so I think they must enjoy throwing the feathers around, not actually eating much off it.

He also saw one other cub but couldn't get a shot off at it.

Still not seen the Mother.

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