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162 yards!!!!

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:blink: I just got in from a shoot with bob300w.He was helping me set up my new rimfire and troubleshooting the other one when on a hill in the distance a hapless bunny appeared....bob says "do you want to shoot it" " do bears pooop in the woods says I" " what do you want 308 0r a .243 i opted for the .243 and rested on the car...."how far do you reckon " I asked bob "oooh about 160 yards" says he. I took a deep breath and took my time aiming and boom!!!! rabbit pancake!!!!!! We then measured it from the red blob on the hill and it was 162 yards!!!!! What a brilliant judge of distance that man is!!! I was made up!!!!!


Bob you are a scolar and a gentleman and it was great to meet you at last...THANK YOU!!!!!! :blink: :D:cry1::no::no::/

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Yep, a really pleasant evening, guns and good company, what more could you want from life? I went on from there and happy-slapped a vixen that had been terrorising a local farmers chickens, that really rounded the day off well.

Who was that Paddy that LV was talking to on your mobile? Sounded really a confusing conversation to me, bejasus and begorrah Mick.

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well done boys, you cant beat a bit of long range bunnie bashing


stretch it out to over 300 - now that is fun

Give Elvis a chance to work up to it, it was the only fourth shot that he had fired with a full-bore rifle, and the first three were at a target! :D

:blink: Have to agree though, there is a huge amount of satisfaction from slapping them at 300 plus. :blink:

What never ceases to amaze me is that a rabbit will carry on eating when it's mate has just exploded a yard away, what goes through it's mind? "It must have been something that he ate?" :cry1:

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What never ceases to amaze me is that a rabbit will carry on eating when it's mate has just exploded a yard away, what goes through it's mind? "It must have been something that he ate?" :blink:



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we were setting the 7mm08 last friday, after half a doz shots it wasnt shooting 2 inch to the left anymore (since moderator) a pigeon dropped in at over 200 m away, mate said "Im having it" and dropped it with a shot through the neck, flash bugg3r :blush:


before anyone asks it had a 200ft hill as backstop, and no I dont have pigeon on my ticket.

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