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First kill with the new rifle


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Been to germany last weekend for roebuck and took the new Steyr Mannlicher Scout 308.w with me. Did the zeroing in two weeks ago. Weather in germany was fantastic. Sunshine and so hot. The roedeer where out at night, they went in the forest and woodlands at 5 o'clock and just came out at dusk again. They do not like it so hot either i think. So stalking was quite difficult. Had some changes with fox and a small spiker while stalking thursdayevening, but because i had no good backstop (farmhouses in the back) could not get a shot out. Went on a high seat at the same location fridayevening. Saw loads of ducks flying in a pond whole evening (farmer puts food in there every day to attract them). That would be a lot of fun when the duckseason is open :P . Suddenly out of nowhere a buck appeared, running up the grassy field out of the corn. Quickly took the gun and whistled at the buck. It stopped and i quickly put the crosshairs on the buck. Shot out, bit high on the shoulder. But dropped like a block. First kill with the scout :oops: .


Saterdaymorning i stalked an big slope near a big woodland where always a lot of roe are. Got there at 4 o'clock and already the roe where out. Got myself crawling in a ditch towards a buck and yearling doe. Put the bipod out and aimed at the buck. Shot went out (150 meters) but no sign of me hitting it. Searched for blood, did not find it. Went with a tracking dog to look for evidence of me hitting it, still no luck. When it ran off i couldn't see any sign it might be hit. Big ******, i do not like to think i hit it and only wounded it. So took the rifle for again zeroing it, and it was quite high on target. So put it lower and took three more shots that looked ok (all three on the size of a pound).

Sat at the same spot that evening to see if i could spot the buck again. At first a small doe came out, just passed 5 meters from me. That was exciting ! Didn't notice me. At 21.30 a buck came out. Looked trough the binoculairs and to my luck it was the same buck. It wasn't hurt so i completely missed the first time :no: . Took the shot and this time it dropped on the spot.

I am going to the range again this week to see if the rifle is correctly sighted in now (must be). Better save then sorry. Still am bit troubled about the miss, you want to be as accurate as possible. Still shooting at a living animal so have to be sure i hit it deadly first time. Maybe it has to do with it being a new gun and i have to get used to the feel of it?



Edited by Holland&Holland
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