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dog always has


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last time i sought you guys advice it was because my bitch was getting frisky with my youngest,now sorted.

now she has what can only be described as huge nipples.she is not pregnant and seems to be in no discomfort.could it be mastitis ?

no.yp im not talking about the wife :*)

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selling my dog now,if it wasnt enough ammo for you lot first time around then it is now.why oh why does she have to have problems that can be turned round.she has one last chance,the first time she chases a pussy shes in the for sale section of shooting times :)

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Had a spaniel who would have phantom pregnancies every 6 months.

Would tear up the cover off her bed, Fill up with milk, feed the cat on it.

(Just one ***, and it got HUGE). Never stopped her being a working dog though.


That was just her home problem she forgot it all when working (including who was in charge sometimes :thumbs: )



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how old is your bitch (dog not wife girlfriend etc :thumbs: )if she is around about 18 months onwards good chance she is having a phantom pregancy check for milk in any of her teats another sign is she will be trying to make a nest and hiding toys etc,if you find none of these signs you better get her to the vets .

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