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whats practical shotgunning then ?




Harv's comments are not helpfull here <_<


The UKPSA works hard to promote what is nothing more than a target shooting sport, stages are shot against the clock & targets are small steel plates typicaly six inches square at various distances, movement & loading skills are required & safety is the main priority.


The UKPSA is the UK's representative for the IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) which is the sports global governing body, they sanction the matches & regulate the sport, Practical Shotgun is growing world wide & we have a UK Championship consisting of six major matches in a year (best of 5 to count) and we have had two European Championships so far (Italy 2003 & Greece 2006) both were excelent matches.


Get yourself to a club that is affiliated to the UKPSA Border guns in shropshire is a good one or Swadlincote near Burton on Trent, Worcester Norton hold open competitions every other month but are not UKPSA matches but the standards of safety are good.


Contact me if you wish to know more...


You can see some UKPSA match video's in my signature link.



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whats practical shotgunning then ?




Harv's comments are not helpfull here <_<


The UKPSA works hard to promote what is nothing more than a target shooting sport, stages are shot against the clock & targets are small steel plates typicaly six inches square at various distances, movement & loading skills are required & safety is the main priority.


The UKPSA is the UK's representative for the IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) which is the sports global governing body, they sanction the matches & regulate the sport, Practical Shotgun is growing world wide & we have a UK Championship consisting of six major matches in a year (best of 5 to count) and we have had two European Championships so far (Italy 2003 & Greece 2006) both were excelent matches.


Get yourself to a club that is affiliated to the UKPSA Border guns in shropshire is a good one or Swadlincote near Burton on Trent, Worcester Norton hold open competitions every other month but are not UKPSA matches but the standards of safety are good.


Contact me if you wish to know more...


You can see some UKPSA match video's in my signature link.




As stated earlier by myself before yourself check out the ukpsa the other comment was to suggest its also good fun.

i have shot practical for over 20 years therefore i dont find your comments about me helpful :oops::sad1:

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I do not wish to offend you, I was refering to your "Special Forces" comment & not your first post which was fine, but if you have been shooting practical for that long can you tell me the club you go to for matches ? I only ask because I would think anyone who is a regular competitor at the UKPSA matches would be aware that any reference to combat or other references to "training" is very much frowned upon & is not what the modern game is about & that you would already know me.


I am concerned that some clubs are tarnishing the reputation the UKPSA has sought to build up over many years by offering there own brand of practical shotgun, I would like to see the UKPSA do something about them because it is those clubs that give rise to the ignorance & missguided comments that I find coming from other branches of the shooting sports & from some uninformed members on forums similar to this one.


It is a fun sport, it is very safe, but it is not about playing "special forces" even if you meant it in jest, comments like that stick in the minds of the uninformed & sow the seeds of prejudice.


Practical Shotgun is growing & it is important that it grows in the correct way to ensure we will have it in the future.



Edited by neil smith
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The object of the Association shall be to encourage skill in Practical Shooting by providing instruction and practice in the use of firearms amongst Her Majesty’s subjects so that they will be better fitted to serve their country in the Armed Forces, Territorial Army or any other organisation in which their services may be required in the defence of the realm.


taken from the ukpsa constitution as you seem to want to make some kind of argument or point out

of my comment that was made in jest.


what i have found the problem over the years is getting people introduced to practical disciplines,

if you were to bombard people with the rules and regulations as a starting point people wouldnt even come and see what it is all about.

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The wording in the constitution is unfortunate & comes from its early days & cannot be changed without the loss of the associations charatable status or it would have been changed many years ago, there have been many attemps in council to find a way to do it, it is not a reflection of the modern sport.


I do not wish to argue with you as you are clearly a practical shooter yourself & know something of the game, I do agree that getting new blood into the sport is important & finding ways to encourage people to have a go should not mean that the we should try to dress it up as some kind of "special forces" training or real life senario rubbish, anyone who has any real knowledge of such things would laugh at the idea that what we do as being realistic training.

We shoot stages designed to test a shooters accuracy while negotiating obsticals against the clock, real life tactics are not a consideration in the stages we build & should not be in yours.


I suspect that many clubs are out of touch with the sport at a national level & although they are affiliated to the UKPSA they are not actively encouraging their members to run & build UKPSA sanctioned matches, the only one in your region is Carlisle to my knowledge, many clubs like you state the fact that they dont like "rules" which I remind everyone are there for everyone's safety & to make the game fair for all competitors, I am pushing to find ways of making clubs more responsible in the way they portray practical shotgun & to follow the guidlines set by the UKPSA/IPSC rulebook & prove they are doing so in order to remain affiliated to the association, after all if you say your affiliated then you should follow the rules and standards set out by the governing body should you not.


In order to hold a shotgun for practical shooting it is required by most police forces that you be a direct member of the association or a member of an affiliated club and yet the UKPSA has no checks in place as yet to follow up on clubs to see if what they are calling PSG is in line with the ethos of the sport & portrays the right image to new shooters and any passing spectators.


We have some way to go but it must be done to preserve practical shooting sports for future generations.



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Everyone knows that "practical shotgun" is just code for "nutty noo noo".


But hey, you've done paintball and airsoft and want to move on and up and if it keeps 'em happy and off the streets....


I can see a "practical" point to shooting a clay or a target shaped like a deer. However, I can only envisage some sort of Mad Max 2 scenario for the world where I need to undertake a commando role before firing anyone of my guns.


Oh how I love these threads on practical shotgun. Come on chaps, fess up - list out your "tactical" kit.


Edited for my homage to all things practical and tactical:



Edited by Mungler
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I have to confess that, looking at those videos on YouTube, the term "fruitcake" does spring to mind. B)


I would take a little convincing that these are not a bunch of chaps acting out their Rambo fantasies. Personally I wouldn't feel challenged by wasting rectangular tin targets at a range of 3 feet, but maybe I'm missing the point somewhere.


I can see a point to paintball, because somebody's firing back at you, but those rectagular bits of tin are rather docile muthas :(


Each to his own :no:

Edited by Chard
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Thank you Mungler for demonstrating the inept ignorance that I was trying to describe in my post to Harv, I have to ask where did you get your impression of PSG from ? I suspect it was from some cammo clad idiot who "claimed" he knows all about it cos his club does it, but that club is doing there "own" version of PSG & gets everyone tared with the same brush.


We are simply target shooters who try to compete against each other for the highest score like any of the rifle based target matches, you can see a point to clays & deer shooting because you like to kill things for fun unlike us but you cannot except that we are having fun by shooting small steel targets & you need to label it because you do not understand it, we must be thinking we are killing something right ! :no: WRONG !!!!!


Grow up !


Shooting sports must learn to except each other & stick together or we will lose it all/



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We shoot both birdshot & slugs at matches, the steel targets must be shot no closer than 5 metres for safety reasons with birdshot & cannot be shot at with slugs which are used on cardboard or A4 size paper targets.


The sport has an International following & a World shoot is planned in the next two years but just because you have never tried it & think it looks easy it is not & I suspect you would all be surprised at how hard it can be to shoot many targets in the fastest time in order to win a match. Its about winning trophys & not killing things but sometimes people find that a hard concept to grasp.


As an observation which image do you all think would cause the general non shooting public the most concern.









I am in no way saying that these guys in the picture are doing anything wrong because they are not they have a right to do what they do & I would defend there right to do it, its simply a demonstration of how images can give the wrong impression in the eyes of the prejudised.


Think before you type.



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I like all types of shooting, if it involves a gun and some skill then ill give it a crack!!!


Clays are great for practice, so you cant knock them at all.


I can not see any disrespect to the new guys at all, like said "light hearted banter, without it the world would be a miserable place"


Mungler, your humour never fails to amuse me...... brilliant :no:

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