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Any CZ 452 experts out there?


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Well, picked up my new CZ 452 today (it's the 16 inch barrel "silhouette" version with the laminate stock and blued barrel & action).


What a little beauty it is! I put 69 rounds through it today zeroing and trying different ranges out, using a paced 65 yard zero, and am getting 10p sized groups already. The 70th round went into a the head of a nice pot-sized rabbit at 78 yards (again paced), leaving it very dead, and with an expression exactly like this smiley: :) - Eley subs hit hard


So, on the accuracy front, I am delighted. There was however a rather large problem, namely that the rifle is not feeding the rounds from the magazine.


About 80% of the time, the nose of the round seems to be sitting to high in the mag, leading it to strike the face of the breech above the breech opening. This leads to deformed rounds, and I am having to guide them in (ie push them down) with my finger whilst returning the bolt to battery.


Is this because the spring in the mag is new and it will go away, or does it sound like I have got a duff mag? Has anybody else encountered this?


Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!



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If its the plastic mag sometimes the moulding swarf gets stuck inside,

push the insides down with a screw driver to make sure it runs free,

load it and tap it on a bench and see if the rounds settle, sometimes

they get crud stuck in one side,spray a little wd40 in it but make sure

its dry before using it again,I got two with a new cz do you only get

one now? :)

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Zapp, it may be a mag alignment problem. Are you sure that the mag is sitting true in the slot/well?


I only got a steel 5-shot mag with my CZ, and I bought one of the rubbish plastic 10-shot mags too. The former gives a smoother feed than the plastic effort. The mag springs did ease over time.

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The mag seems to be sitting fine, the rounds just seem to be angled upward way too much.


I have found this on rimfire central, so may give it a bash. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showt...8405&page=2


It is a plastic 5 round mag I am having trouble with. Are the steel ones still available? How much do they usually go for?



Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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well i own 3 cz's 2 of them being 452's and have never my self experienced such a issue, you touched on the possibility of the mag itself but if i may, check to see how the mag housing is sitting to make sure it is tight enough, also i am not aware of CZ's being ammo fussy but perhaps yours is i guess try a new mag and some differn't ammo aswell, if that doesnot fix it i would waranty the rifle, but it most likley seems a mag problem itself,


If you cant find a steel mag where your at pm me and i can maybe get you one as i know of a local place that carries them at times :)

Edited by jcbruno
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Guys, thanks for the suggestions and offers of help - its this kind of thing that makes PW a place worth coming to and investing time in :good:


The fact that the angle of feed is so massively high (about 2mm I would guesstimate), I am convinced that it is the mag itself, not the rifle or ammo.


I'm going to have a bash at the rimfire central fix tomorrow, since it directly refers to my problem. If that fails, or I make a total a**e of it, I will look at going down the warranty route or getting a new mag. I'm very keen to get this sorted as aside from the stated problem, the rifle is a little dream to shoot! I'm still chuffed that my first shot in anger was as clean a kill as I could have hoped for.


Again, thanks chaps, I'll let you know how I get on :lol::lol::lol::):P:D:)



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There is nothing wrong with the plastic mags, I have 2x10 shots and and a 5 and have never had any problems with them at all.

At the range yesterday I must have put 50-60 rounds through my .22 all fired in fairly rapid sucession without any problems, on previous occasions 3 of us have shared my gun so it has done the same with nearer 200 rounds in a day.

Although I am aware it isn't a good idea in the long run, I leave my 10 shots loaded all the time and just carry those in my pocket rather than fiddling about for rounds when I am shooting, and even that hasn't affected their reliability.

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Thank you for your thread on adjusting CZ mags, when I bought my 452 nearly 20 years ago I purchased a 10 shot mag with it, this mag would never cycle but the 5 shot has never been a problem. I took both of them apart today and sure enough as you say, an entirely different angle on them bent the 10 shot to the same as the 5 and hey presto put 50 rounds through without a jam up. After all these years I can now use it.


Hi Zapp, I had the same problem many moons ago, & the answer is above quoted from your link.


I to did exactly as above, & since then my 10 mag has worked flawlessly,


Why they changed to plastic I don't know,


Buy a metal one in either 5-10 shot, & chuck that plastic one away,


Plastic is ****,



Edited by Bazooka Joe
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Right then,


I took the plunge this morning and followed the Rimfirecentral fix. It is worth noting that I am a techno/mecha mong of epic proportions, so I was not expecting much.


After applying a bit of heat and doing a bit of work with the pliers, I reassembled the mag (incorrectly), then took it apart again and reassembled it with all the bits in the right place.


It worked!!!!!!


The action now cycles flawlessly!






Thanks for taking the time to offer your help/advice chaps



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