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Anyone shoot a .375H&H?


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I've decided I'd like to try a heavy calibre. To see what they're like more than because I'm going to need it often. I'm off to Canada to visit JCBruno in November, and would like to take it there as a possible Bear gun.


I'm looking at the .375H&H. It's just about big enough to shoot anything, but not too huge to be of use here. I know of a few guys using it for Deer in the UK, but not many. With 200 grn heads it has a pretty reasonable trajectory for long shots on bigger stuff and the recoil could be worse.


Does anyone here use one in the UK? If so how do you get on with it? What loads do you use?

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I have a video of the event somewhere.

To me, it didn't seem that bad, I shot it off sticks at Minsterly a few years back.

It owned by someone at your club - Drovers will tell you who.

I found shooting his .444 a much more horrible experience to be honest.


The problem you will face in the UK soon is finding a range that will let you use one.

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My hunting partner has one that we use as a bear gun up in the Territories at carribou camp. I have fired it a few times and the gun is heavy enough to make the recoil bearable, but you are not going to put alot of cartridges through at any given time.


Just on an off note, He was on an Alaskan grizzly bear hunt this past fall and took a 10 foot bear at 50 yards....it still needed 2 rounds to keep it down, and the first went through the shoulders and into the lungs.



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Yes, the dreaded .444, that's a great gun! I had a pop with it the other day and although it's a little punchy it's rather nice to shoot IMO :crazy:


Back to the .375 I understand it's not a super gun. Big stuff will get back up for a second go but it's as big as I can really justify. It has a lot more punch than my 6.5 and a reasonably large bullet for the shock factor (up to 350 grains or so). I can't see .600NE being passed for Deer here, and even if it was I wouldn't want to use it!


The thing that .375 has over the real big guns is flat trajectory. Well not flat as such, but pretty good.

Edited by njc110381
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I was thinking Devon Stags. Drovers hit a Hummel down there last year with the 6.5x55 from less than 50m and it ran for probably 200+ yards and over a fence! 160 grn round nose, not a perfect shot but good enough to stop most things. It took us ages to find it :blush:


If I do get one it wont have a scope on I doubt. I want a big iron sighted thing for close up stuff.


I think most of the reason I want it is for the history of the round. It's dropped some serious game in its time and is a great all rounder :stupid:

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It's dropped some serious game in its time and is a great all rounder :blush:


Not really an all rounder...I see an all rounder as something that I can shoot comfortably (and legally) all day at paper, vermin, fox and all UK deer, like my 6.5x47


That's something you will never be able to do with a .375H&H.....

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Almost everyone I speak to says the same thing, why do I want one. I guess that's just it. I can justify the need, and I want one. Everyone in the UK who wants more power shoots some form of .30 cal, and I just don't want that kind of rifle :lol:


I have to admit its use will be limited, but now and again I will make use of it in situations that a .30 cal big gun wouldn't be the right choice.

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As I said to the other person Neil, it may be worth asking yourself how much use you get from your current rifles?


Both Drovers and I have seen a hog shot too far back with .375 that carried on running like a mosquito had bitten it, it was dropped on the spot by the next guy in line with a perfectly placed .308 round. It isn't all about size, well not in shooting terms anyway :lol:

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I drive a big truck and want a big rifle. What does it matter if all this is to make up for something else that may be a little on the small side :oops:


I know exactly what you're saying and I can't say you're wrong, but what's wrong with just wanting one? They're cheap to buy, maybe a little expensive to load for but a laugh to shoot. If I buy it and shoot it once a year it's not a huge problem.


If I'm honest, my 6.5x55 doesn't do a great deal more than that at the moment either. Maybe now my FAC is open it may do, but I'm no pro stalker.


I just like my toys :yes:

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Stuart! How could you say such a thing? Are you suggesting I gain false evidence to prove my need for the said firearm? :yes:


I have evidence. Large Bear and Moose in Canada, and Boar in this country (I need to find some Boar hunting, but once I do the minimum recommended calibre is .270, larger than my 6.5). All this talk of rule bending, and from a moderator too :oops:

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In the pursuit of getting a big gun, why limit yourself to a .375 H&H? It scrapes in as the bare minimum for shooting buffalo and other big game, and other things that like to chew or step on gun-wielding humans. I'd certainly count bear as dangerous game. I ditched my .375 for something with a little more welly for use in Africa.

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well done neil on going for it, looking forward to this november and seeing you out here,

i want a 375 aswell but think i will go for the browning or a good used winchester model 70 safari if i can find one

who knows maybe winchester will make them again,


best of luck neil i should call you soon for the trip


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