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Mixed bag

henry d

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Went onto a cut pea field on friday morning about 6am and there was about 4-500 birds already on it !!

I set up on the field edge where the flightline was taking bird traffic in 2 directions between two woods my pea field was near one end and a flattened barley field near the other. The birds came in in small groups of 2 -8 birds after the big flock was driven off by me in my motor !

I managed several R&L`s and one triple decker :good: and ended up with a straight ton just after lunch. After picking up I scavenged the end rigs for a few peas and ended up with a couple of kilos, so I was well chuffed.


This morning was another early start as I was going fishing from Arbroath with some `keepers and beaters/foresters and at first the chop was a bit wicked and we had some early casualties who then had 5 more hours to endure :blink: :blush:

We hit Mackerel from early doors but few cod and as an interesting interlude we had a few pollack in the 1/2 to 1lb range for a short spell. I also had the only Ballan Wrasse of the day too and it fought all the way to the boat.


Tomorrows brekky will be smoked mackerel on toast and lunch/dinner will be the same with with a tarragon cream sauce.......MMmmmmmm!



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