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New Franchi - Semi Auto

Salop Matt

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Hi Folks, Mrs SS has bought herself a nice secondhand Fanchi semi auto (620vs) only we only have the one choke for it and No owners manual (The price did reflect this).


So am now on the search of a owners manual or photocopy of one or PDF format one if anyone can be of assistance ?


Secondly can anyone confirm that the Franchi`s take beretta chokes ? Need to buy some more (20g)


And finally when we got the gun home it got a real good clean and put back together and it looks beautiful i just need to check that i put the gas piston back in the correct way up ? Can any one can help with this ?

I have only used and stripped an old Browning B80 before which is completly different.



I promise to pay more attention in future when stripping things in future ! :good:

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Some idiot recently told people that BERETTA chokes fit hatsans as well,

they do indeed screw in but then your barrels blow up,Personally I would

stick to franchi chokes,theres plenty used franchis around to be able to find

the correct chokes. :good:

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they have an interchange chart that shows what will work with what. They are choke manufacturers and make some of the best chokes on the market.


For a 20 bore Franchi they are saying Benelli. You can just order directly through them and call it a day. They have great prices and their chokes are second to none.


For the manual, go to shotgunworld.com and go into the franchi forums. You'll find one there.





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if it is the 20 g, then it will fit a 20 ga benelli choke. Find your local benelli dealer and check what they have in stock. Bring in the gun and check to make sure. Benelli is pretty common.


That said, a 1/4 choke will do you pretty well for most field use and should get you through until you find one.




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Alex ( from GMK) any chance of a quick pm so i can contact you again ?

I have a query and may need to pay for some work on my 620vs, its very minor but i always like everything to be right !


If not i can get the work done easily locally but not for a couple of weeks, I can live with this but would like to remidy it asap !



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