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T8 Moderator in 243 calibre


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I am now selling my T8 moderator which I use on my 243, as I am having a new T8 for my 308.

I can use the 308 T8 for my 243 (I've been told by a RFD ) as long as I keep the barrel sleeve. This sleeve would be no good to anyone else anyway, as they would have to get a sleeve machined to fit their barrel.


Would be selling for £150 if anyone is interested. The Moderator is only 9 months old and is in excellent condition. It's had about 300 rounds through it and has had a cover on it since new.

Edited by steve_b_wales
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It's a 'standard' thread (not sure the size) but one that's on most guns. It is coming off a Tikka T3 Lite,( my 243) As I have just bought a new Tikka T3 Lite in 308, I can use the same Moderator.


Is it factory cut or did you have a gunsmith do the work for you, only asking because my T3 Lite was factory cut, and by no means a common size?

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If i were you Steve,i would wait and see what the noise reuction is like with the 30 cal mod 1st!


I was told the same when i bought a Wildcat predator 8.


RFD sold me a 30cal for my .243 saying he,d sold about 40 with no probs,but the noise reduction was only about 1/3 whereas when i replaced the baffle section with a 25 cal end,the noise reduction was nearer 2/3s.


Not wanting to throw a spanner in the works,just letting you know :)

Edited by grasshopper
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Thanks for the advice grasshopper. I will check this with my RFD. I thought that if a moderator was made for a 308 caliber, then it should be okay with a 243 caliber, as this should be slightly quieter.

It will be nice to find out though.

Anyone got any thoughts regarding this?

Edited by steve_b_wales
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Thanks for the advice grasshopper. I will check this with my RFD. I thought that if a moderator was made for a 308 caliber, then it should be okay with a 243 caliber, as this should be slightly quieter.

It will be nice to find out though.

Anyone got any thoughts regarding this?

Lifed from Jackson rifles website :)


Baffle hole diameter


Standard baffle apertures are 7.5 mm , 8,5 mm, 10,5 mm and 13.0 mm. As a rule, the bullet caliber (bullet actual diameter ) plus at least one millimetre gives the exit aperture diameter.




7.5 mm hole takes 222, 223, 22-250, 6mm, 243, etc.



8.5 mm hole takes 6.5mm 270, 7mm, 308 , 30-06 etc.



10.5 mm hole takes 9.3mm, 338 etc.



13 mm hole takes 45-70 etc.



The reinforced "magnum" model (stamped "M") for cartridges above 30-06 case capacity has 10.5 mm exit aperture as standard (other aperture sizes to special order).


The smaller the baffle hole diameter the better the sound suppression, but the difference between each of the above hole size increments is only 1 or 2 dB. In general, it is better to reduce the sound by adding more baffles than risk making the baffle holes too small.


All rifle bullets yaw a little on leaving the muzzle. The longer the bullet the more baffle hole clearance we need to accommodate this yaw without risk of a bullet grazing a baffle. If a bullet grazes a baffle, it can cause a "flyer" (a shot which flies well out of the group).


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