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A first for me

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Lots of tawny's where we go John, but the best encounter I had was when sat in a tree hide.


I gave a couple of mouse squeeks and buzzzzzz, a little owl appeared from nowhere and sat on a branch next to me about 2 metres away.


It sat there, with me not daring to move, and then buzz, away it went.


A real treat!



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A similar thing happened to me a few years ago.


I was coming out of the woods at dusk after an unsuccessful day of deer hunting. I thought I saw something moving from the corner of my eye, but I didn't hear anything so I figured I was just tired and that my eyes were playing tricks on me. Next thing I know, this huge Great Horned Owl swoops down from the treeline and just about blind sides me. If I hadn't seen him at the last second, he probably would have!


He must've been 3 feet across, he was huge. The weird thing was it got within inches of my head and didn't make a sound.

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He must've been 3 feet across, he was huge. The weird thing was it got within inches of my head and didn't make a sound.


That's the thing that always awes me about owl when I've seen them. The wings are totally silent - they fly like velvet.


I was once up in the Pyrenees with my son and we'd sat down just below a ridge line. After a bit this huge vulture swooped over the ridge and passed maybe fifteen feet above us. The wings were open and still as it glided by but there was a vibrating noise from the feathers on the trailing edge like you can get with a kite on a windy day

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