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What kind of nandy panzies are you all turning into?.If you are prepaired to eat it you should be prepaired to kill it.Unless you can all stand like Poncious Pilot and wash your hands after buying your meat in the local Tesco.Buying of those same CROOKS who are trying their best to put British farmers on the bread line.I would have no hesitation in shooting these pigs with a 17,it will instantly kill the pig,more humane than the methods employed at the abatoir.That is electro shock and bleeding them to death.All this is defra approved.But then these pen pushers are never wrong.If any of you have some spare time visit an abatoir and see if you are allowed to watch the proceedure,NO CHANCE.Do not be so gullable as to think that because some buerocrat has made a law telling you the way to do something is the correct way,that it is correct.Dont forget that hunting with horse and hounds has been banned by these same people .This is only the thin edge of the wedge.Why should this farmer be compelled to pay for a proceedure which has been carried out by farmers quite satisfactorly for hundreds and hundreds of years?.We are all being forced into this politically correct society by people in London and Europe who have not got a clue.We must not allow these people to turn us into sheep.

As for the pigs shoot them by all means but be very sure that there is someone there immediatly to bleed them.

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Im no expert in pig killing, but in the distant past I have ocasionaly dispatched calves and the odd cow using a captive bolt and pithing rod. Unless youve done it and been shown how to correctly then dont, dispatching at close quarters needs care in order to be humane. Obviusly in this case if you used a captive bolt then youd need to slit the throat rather than use a pithing rod being that the meat is for consumption.


A pig is a differnt story though to a sick animal, and whilst I would do it in an emergency for welfare reasons in this case id run a proverbial mile. Leve it to someone with day to day experience and a slaugther mans licence.

Edited by paulf
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What kind of nandy panzies are you all turning into?.If you are prepaired to eat it you should be prepaired to kill it.Unless you can all stand like Poncious Pilot and wash your hands after buying your meat in the local Tesco.Buying of those same CROOKS who are trying their best to put British farmers on the bread line.I would have no hesitation in shooting these pigs with a 17,it will instantly kill the pig,more humane than the methods employed at the abatoir.That is electro shock and bleeding them to death.All this is defra approved.But then these pen pushers are never wrong.If any of you have some spare time visit an abatoir and see if you are allowed to watch the proceedure,NO CHANCE.Do not be so gullable as to think that because some buerocrat has made a law telling you the way to do something is the correct way,that it is correct.Dont forget that hunting with horse and hounds has been banned by these same people .This is only the thin edge of the wedge.Why should this farmer be compelled to pay for a proceedure which has been carried out by farmers quite satisfactorly for hundreds and hundreds of years?.We are all being forced into this politically correct society by people in London and Europe who have not got a clue.We must not allow these people to turn us into sheep.

As for the pigs shoot them by all means but be very sure that there is someone there immediatly to bleed them.






theres always one wind up merchant. :D

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I have been a slaughterman for the last 21yrs,if you don't know what you are doing leave it to someone who does.As for shooting a pig with a 17hmr anyone who does try this shouldnt have a fac.I have seen pigs shot at point blank with a captive bolt and if you don't hit the right spot they won't go down.As for the sticking if you don't know what you are doing the pig can suffer a slow death.The purple stamps on them are from meat inspectors.

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Morally, I have got nothing against a smallholder slaughtering a pig that he has raised for his families consumption. However, I wouldn't like to see it done as a cheap method rather than using an abattoir. Talk to any old boy that farmed pre 60's and they will be able to impart some knowledge on pig slaughtering.



Legally it is possible to kill a pig at home provided that only you or your family eat it and it is not for sale*. The meat it is technically classed as “unfit for human consumptionâ€. The definition of sale is wider than just the exchange of money, and the definition of family is open to interpretation.


*(some local authorities indicate that only the person that slaughters it may consume it).



The most humane method would be to stun it with a 22-caliber rifle (close range .410 would be suitable but would be less hygienic/messy) shooting in the middle forehead halfway between the eyes and ears. Stick the pig straight after stunning as you need to get good bleeding insert the knife in front of the breastbone with the knife point toward the tail pushing the knife blade deep enough to reach the backbone blood should gush freely once the carotid artery is severed.

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ive shot loads of pigs when I was younger not really sure about the law these days but im pretty sure you need a permit to wipe your ****!


we used to shoot pigs of all sizes with a 410 between the eyes then put a rope over 1 back leg hoist it up cut the throat and bleed it then into an old cast bath tub and about a good couple of hours scraping the bristles with boiling water then the pig went into the coldstore for a few days before being jointed for the freezer


whatever you do dont attempt it if you are unsure as an injured pig can and will rip your arm off and im not joking!! and if you do the killing in the locality of other pigs they will sense whats going on they get stressed and dangerous as well as some people say if you butcher a stressed pig it spoils the meat

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